Hello Onacruse,
First of all thanks for the very interesting research.
Second, allow me please, the following:
New title and modifications are in red
(!) The Book of Discipline of the Jehovah's Witnesses Congregations
While primary responsibility and initiative rests with each professing member faithfully to perform the vows of the baptismal covenant that have been solemnly assumed, if the professed member should be neglectful of that responsibility, these procedures shall be followed:
(1) If a professed member residing in the community is negligent of the vows or is regularly absent from the worship of the congregation without valid reason, the presiding elder and the secretary shall report that professed member's name to the congregation' service committee, which shall do all in its power to reenlist the professed member in the active fellowship of the congregation. It shall visit the professed member and make clear that, while the professed member's name is on the roll of a particular local congregation one is a member the Jehovah's Witnesses Congregation as a whole, and...the professed member is requested to do one of four things: (a) renew the vows and return to living in the community...of the congregation where the professed member's name is recorded, (b) request transfer to another Jehovah's Witnesses Congregation where the professed member will return to living in the community...(c) arrange transfer to a particularly
preferred congregation or (d) request withdrawal, i.e. disassociation.
(5) ...it is recommended that a roll of persons removed shall be maintained. It shall then become the responsibility of the congregation's body of elders, to provide for the review of this roll at least once a year...After the review has been made, it is recommended that the presiding elder and/or the secretary of the congregation contact those whose names appear on this roll..."
The names and addresses of those who have moved outside the local congregation's area should be sent to local congregations in their new communities... "
To Hillary_step : Many thanks for the excellent links !
P.S. You have to admit that those changes do not really change much of the contents, relating to the procedure.
Personally I'm sure that if this ‘document ‘ is given to many elders… they could well believe , that it is a part of an older publication.!!!
Thanks again for your research.
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
« Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit. » (Cicero, In Catilinam)