Pa. Has Charged 14 Jehovah's Witnesses With CSA Just Since Last Fall ! More Expected.

by Sea Breeze 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze


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  • moomanchu

    Oh wow, that's my wife's old kingdom hall in Bethlehem. We don't know any of the perpetrators or victims, we left before all this happened. This is our local TV news station in the Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton area. Also known as the Lehigh Valley. I already sent the link to the still brainwashed family in the area. Hope they get their asses sued big time!!

    Well, the cult started in Pennsylvania maybe it will end in Pennsylvania!

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  • Scully

    Over the years there were 3 molesters in the KH where I grew up. Two males, one female. One targeted me, another went after my brother, and the third targeted my sister.

    Nothing happened to any of them, and nobody believed me when I tried to stop the first one.

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  • carla

    Scully, how horrible, I'm sorry.

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  • LongHairGal


    I am sorry for what you suffered and I cannot imagine how horrible to be a child and not be believed.

    This environment enabling the molesting of children I believe is directly related to the Witnesses lack of boundaries with each other. There is ignorance and too much togetherness and trust. Some don’t think twice of leaving small children in the company of older people not their family. No good.

    I was raised Catholic and didn’t come into the JWs until I was a young adult. I was taught as a small child that nobody was allowed to touch me (in certain places) and to have a healthy suspicion of strange adults. I remember once in grade school when my parents weren’t home and a neighbor (young man) knocked at our side door by accident. He had the wrong house. Well, my parents mentioned it to him casually. Who knows if they were trying to see his reaction(?). The point being, they didn’t want strangers around their minor child.

    The people in the hall were strangers.. I never bought into that crap that they were ‘like family’.👎

    Anyway, I realize molestation can happen within a family and a poor child is not guaranteed to be safe anywhere. This is depressing I know but JWs make it worse by not shielding their children from strangers by buying into this phony brotherhood, IMO.

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  • moomanchu
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  • joe134cd

    Sickening really.

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  • Vidiot
    Sea Breeze - PA. has charged 14 Jehovah's Witnesses with CSA just since last fall! More expected.”

    Would’ve been 15 if that one guy hadn’t put a bullet in his head before the cops could arrest him.

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  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Would’ve been 15 if that one guy hadn’t put a bullet in his head before the cops could arrest him.

    Missed that part Vidiot, thanks. I'm sure he probably thought that he would wake up in paradise, you know for the do-over the Watchtower promised him.

    I suspect that he found out rather quickly afterwards that he simply jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

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  • blondie

    A real family is a group of people who are connected by love, respect, and mutual support, regardless of whether they are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Being like family covers a large range of types of families. My father molested all his children, my mother knew it, when the youngest needed support I was the oldest and my nearest brother in age joined with me to do something to help the youngest. That's when I discovered the Watchtower organization's image was more important than abused children.

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