Really, really good post.
I was fading but I am so sick of being bothered by elders and elderettes, being watched on Facebook (I have protected my personal page but have a public page for my business and one of the elderettes couldn't help but make a comment about something and I though 'oh, so now you are looking at my page' They also were following me on Instagram until I blocked them.) that I feel I should abandon the fade and go for a clean break.
Things that hold me back: 1) When they announce you no one will know you have DA. They'll all think you were DF for something. 2) It's giving them authority over me as Della Street said above. 3) I live in very small town could I cope with the shunning? 4) My uber brother and sister would be so happy to hear I am out
But as long as you are technically a JW they are always going to be watching and waiting.