Ok your bible study wants to get baptised. Make sure he is aware of what's involved. Here is a checklist. No more birthdays for your children that makes Jehovah sad. No more spending holidays with your family that makes Jehovah sad. No more Saturday morning soccer or baseball If you don't go out in service that makes Jehovah sad. If your child is an accident and all that will save him is a blood transfusion you will have to let him die otherwise that will make Jehovah sad. And whatever you do do not research us on the internet!! That would make Jehovah very. Very sad! ... And they wonder why no one is coming in!
So, you want to become a Jehovah's witness?
by nowwhat? 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Actually, I wouldn't say that those are the reasons why they aren't growing. None of those things are new. Under the right conditions you can pretty much talk anyone into doing and believing anything, including all those things and more.
I believe the real reason is that the WT doesn't have the same interest in people because they don't rely on their preaching to survive financially anymore. So they can't care less about how well or not they do in terms of gaining coverts. Their real estate business is thriving and serving the purpose that once upon a time people did.
Back in the late sixties and early seventies there was a real conviction that the end was coming in 1975 and the bible study had to make a choice soon! With Armageddon coming they were willing to give up everything. Now you don't have that.
"So you think you can witness..."
Bungi Bill
Explain to them also that it would help immensely to have a certain operation in which a by-pass switch is installed on the back of the neck:
- one that places a short circuit between the ears and the motor-nerves, completely bypassing the brain!
It assumes that the potential new recruit already has a functioning brain. We cannot always assume as much. The kinds of "interest" they do find nowadays in the field comprises people who are already in some way damaged and kind of hopeless.
Funny, all of the active JWs that try to call me a "lying apostate" on Quora say the the JWs are the fastest growing religion?
What I see is that brothers and sisters don't preach as enthusiastically as before.
I can't remember the last time they knocked at my door. I recall 10 or 15 years ago that we invited to have coffee to brothers when preaching in the neighbourhood.
When I visit my mother's congregation where I grew up, I see the same brothers that have been there for years.
They're always speaking about the importance of preaching at WhatsApp groups but none of them are really preaching. Many are walking during weekend mornings, having breakfast until they get their 2 or 3 hours to report but that's not the way to convert someone.
Not to speak about carts! At first they were all volunteering and now they have problems to find brothers.
Attn pale.emperor, Maybe direct Quora jdub boosters to Wikipedia "Growth of Religion" article, dubs aren't even mentioned, they might retort however that the reason is that Wikipedia is "of Satan" :)
Enjoyed your YouTube spot btw,
nowwhat ? OK from about 1968-9 with the release of the book "Life Everlasting in The Freedom Of The Sons Of God " Armageddon was very close at hand 1975 or at the possibly latest 1980.
6000 years of human existence ended ? what an opportune time for Jesus to begin his 1000 yeare reign . Nothing happened.
When that didnt eventuate in the next decade it was more likely to occur before the next Century in other words before or at the year 2000 ,expectations arose as they have done often times in the past .
Nothing happened
So you would have to wonder why would anybody want to become a Jehovahs Witness with so many failures of prophecy they have.
Not to mention the ARC into Child Sexual Abuse that they have failed to address adequately and have over 1000 cases they failed to notify the respective authorities about..
Its all on record.