I am not sad at all that some evil asshole got hit by a drone strike.
People who would disagree with this statement likely would sit around and let a rabid dog bite them, and get angry at anyone who tried to put the rabid dog down.
by LoveUniHateExams 31 Replies latest social current
I am not sad at all that some evil asshole got hit by a drone strike.
People who would disagree with this statement likely would sit around and let a rabid dog bite them, and get angry at anyone who tried to put the rabid dog down.
konceptual99 is right : " It will never be solved through military means."
Odd then how it worked in Japan and Germany.
Odd then how it worked in Japan and Germany.
You can't compare the two - the context and situations are very different. Radical Islamism is a thought virus. Repeated attempts to stamp it our have failed over and over again. I am not arguing that there is no case for military intervention just that real change cannot be forced on people with the sort of entrenched ideological lunacy inherent within jihadist Islam. There has to be a fundamental change in the mindset.
The IRA operated in a relatively small area .It did not commit atrocities in different parts of the world like ISIS does.
ISIS needs to be exterminated and it can only be done by sending in ground troops wherever they operate to eliminate every last one of there followers.
These murderous people are not interested in a political solution , they have an insane idea they can convert / terrorize the world to their brand of Islam .
The only reason for bringing up the Irish situation is that it illustrates a situation where continued military intervention was only really stopped when the status quo of violence was trumped by the majority marginalising the extremists.
Of course ISIS is a different problem in many ways but it is backed by an ideology that allows the extremism to breed beyond national borders and loyalties. Military intervention over the past 25 years has not stamped out Islamic extremists. It has not marginalised the thinking of these lunatics. The people to change Islam are Moslems.
Extreme behaviour by "Christian" nations stopped when the West became more secular, less dogmatic and more tolerant. It has taken hundreds of years but the pace of change has increased as less and less people have bought into the prejudices that religious belief allows to be propagated.
islam is along way behind but I only see real change coming as the ideology gets marginalised as more and more people are secularised and educated. Making that happen in the Moslem world is the challenge.
Extreme behaviour by "Christian" nations stopped when the West became more secular, less dogmatic and more tolerant. It has taken hundreds of years but the pace of change has increased as less and less people have bought into the prejudices that religious belief allows to be propagated.
People also embraced the future and the benefits that scientific advancement brought along with the benefits that social advancement brought - giving rights to women for instance.
The problem with much of Islam is that it seems absolutely determined to recreate the dark ages. It wants to go back to a time before even a couple of centuries ago.
You have to kill the leadership and forgive the followers but Islam needs to be reinvented. It is incompatible with modern civilized society.
It's known as the "drone scuttle".
You know that feeling when you've done something really stupid which might be deadly, like when you've accidentally run a red traffic light?
Now I surmise that you get that exact same feeling of knots in your stomach and that suspicion that your bottom innards are falling out just about 100 ms before you start your salutary "drone scuttle" tap dance.
I think the following news will be a fitting end to this thread: Islamic State have apparently released an obituary on Emwazi and confirmed that he was killed in the drone strike instantly.
All's well that ends well.