Michael Moore's actual quote

by Xander 29 Replies latest social current

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Just read this about MIchael Moores speach. Did anyone else hear the original telecast? Seems they are saying that only about 5 people booed him but the sound bite was edited to make it sound like more people booed than actually did.


    Although we have all now witnessed the wonders of visual "movie magic" in the editing of news footage (remember the missing protestors in the footage of the presidential inauguration?), a new, more insidious bit of "magic" is gaining favor with propagandists. I like to call this technique the "mysterious microphone" ploy, because it is a mystery how what the ear hears live and the network microphones transmit up can be so different! During the speeches given during the massive protest in Washington, D.C. before the war was declared, to hear C-SPAN 's audio coverage, there was often barely a ripple of response by the audience to the speakers. Of course, those present know that the applause and cheering from the crowd that punctuated the speeches was thunderous. But the audience at home, unaware of the live reality, would swear that the activists were playing to a subdued and/or small crowd.

    When Michael Moore delivered his blast of the Bush Reich at the Oscars, he was, in reality, given a standing ovation and hearty applause. But, to hear the soundbyte presented on the network news, you'd never know it. All you can hear are boos...which, in fact, came from about five people, from eyewitness accounts.

    Conversely, when Bush so much as smirks at a public affair, to hear the "mysterious microphones" tell it, every person in the place thunderously cheers and applauds. So when you combine the mysterious microphone effect with skillful editng you can, quite effectively, lie through your teeth.

    Example: The network coverage of Moore (all 3 seconds of it) shows Moore briefly, then, while cutting to a handful of stony-faced people, cranks up the volumne on the five booers. The result: a totally false statement: Moore's speech was met by boos and grim silence, not by enthusiasm and a standing ovation

    Michael Moore's statement at Oscars

    "We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president," Moore said. "We live in a time where we have a man who's sending us to war for fictitious reasons, whether it's the fiction of duct tape or the fiction of orange alerts."Applause gave way to some boos, as the orchestra began playing to cue the filmmaker to leave the stage."We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush. Shame on you," Moore shouted.

    While Moore received a STANDING OVATION, only a few booed probably Charlton Heston, Bruce "Please send me to Iraq, Mr. Bush" Willis, and Arnold "testosterone-challenged" Swharzenneger.

    'When asked by reporters why he made the remarks, he answered: "I'm an American."
    "Is that all?"
    "Oh, that's a lot," Moore responded. He dismissed the jeers he received, telling reporters: "Don't report that there was a split decision in the hall because five loud people booed."

  • Liberty

    Apparently I was watching the corperate conspiracy version of the Oscars. In the Oscar program I saw, Mr. Moore recieved a standing ovation and cheers for winning his Oscar, however, his speech was met with mostly sitting silence or booing. The left is certainly as guilty as the right when it comes to distorting reality to fit their needs as was illustrated by the distortion of mixing events in time in Moore's case. He did recieve a standing ovation but NOT for the event it was attributed to. I could truthfully claim I made a million dollars on real estate last year by playing Monopoly several times, however it becomes a lie if I leave out the,"by playing Monopoly" part so people are left to think I really made a real million dollars on real properties. Such distortions and half truths are used everyday to make bogus points. That is why we all need to exercise our bull shit detectors and common sense. If the Oscars were edited to make Moore look bad why then did they leave in the standing ovation for his win?

  • dedalus

    Whatever you think of Moore, it was a lot of fun to watch.

    As for the audience and the microphones and what they were and weren't standing for -- just wondering, but isn't this the same audience that gave an absent Roman Polanski a standing ovation for best director? (His movie might be great, and I'll certainly see it sometime, but I wouldn't feel right giving a standing ovation for a man I knew was accused of statutory rape. It's possible to separate art from the artist, in most cases, but in this case, applauding the man on my feet would've been too much.)

    My point, if I have one, is that when Hollywood (of which Moore is part) speaks out politically -- for or against the war or whatever -- it seldom amounts to anything more than entertainment. Whether the audience booed or whooped is immaterial, too -- they're all part of the same glittering, fleeting, somehow amusing pageant.

    Having said that, I really want to see "Bowling for Columbine."


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I didn't see the original telecast but I heard he got a standing ovation and a few boo's. That's why it confused me when I heard the 30 seconds news bite on it and it sounded like everyone was booing. Michael's version on CNN was that his supporters started cheering and when they heard the others boo his supporters booed to drown them out.


  • ashitaka

    Moore is great. Love that speech.


  • email
    You have to give him credit for having guts, not many people would do that.

    Not many people are THAT stupid!

    Imagine that!!... getting booed by one of the most left wing liberal crowds in America... the hollywood crowd...


    Drop the discussions and accept the facts...

    I LOVED it when he got booed...

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Jesus once cautioned his disciples about an "unathorized" individual who was speaking on behalf of his name and performing miracles. The point was irregardless of this unsanctioned person's relationship to Jesus and the 12, he was accomplishing a good work.

    Michael Moore like all humans has skeletons in his closet, friends, enemies, followers, saboteurs and a history of accomplishments and failures. Irregardless of the minutiae, his work is agitating and antagonizing attention from all corners of society to some vital issues. Let's face it, guns are dangerous. I think the long-term question is, "if all the guns were destroyed, would humans revert to using sticks and stones as weapons and kill each other anyway"?

    We have become a miserable quagmire of never-ending cycles of mass media, information overload, social problems, pollution and regular war. The attention is good. There really is no such thing as bad publicity.

  • Matty

    I understand where you're coming from UR, thanks for that. In the UK we have Mark Thomas, who has a very similar style to Michael Moore. I can't understand why Moore evokes such strong hatred amongst people, what are they all so scared of? Right wingers are such a testy lot! He says what he thinks in his own style, and he's entitled to his opinion.

  • ashitaka
    I LOVED it when he got booed...

    by five people?

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    Thanks. I agree. In the grand scheme, we are all pushing & pulling, moving & shoving our way through life while others do the same. It is an endless cycle of disagreements, struggles, battles, campaigns, initiatives, activism, and a million other vehicles used by man to resist himself and others. From a distance, it is really pathetic.

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