UK Charity Commision reports on Moston, Manchester Congregation.
by snugglebunny 45 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
This may not be the indictment some had hoped for - but JW organization cannot in any way claim this as a victory or vindication. The report makes sober reading about the trust's attitude. JWs look no better than other organization's and institutions caught up in child sex abuse stories.
This seems to just be the local congregation...the Branch is still being investigated.
Also it finds elders "did not provide accurate and complete answers’ about issues under investigation."
And: "As our report makes clear, the victims of abuse were badly let down".
Awesome BBC coverage of this.
Also The Guardian:
The Daily Telegraph
Third Sector
I presume it's going to get into the (printed) newspapers tomorrow....
If I wasn't flying under the radar so to speak (trying to fade away quietly) I would share this all over my social media accounts. Well done BBC for such good coverage.
These vile elders make me sick. This is now becoming such a common story and JWs are so utterly blind they will read this and think it's Satan attacking them.
As a victim myself of sexual abuse by someone who became an elder, I am continually appalled by the extent to which elders will go to protect themselves and each other.
Sorry. Rant over :)
The Fall Guy
The graphic pyramidal structure of the organization - with the 7 dwarfs (G.B.) at the top - would have old Charles T. rubbing his hands in glee.
May governmental chariots roll over the cult and cause it to suffer - to an extreme degree!
never a jw
"It is the inquiry’s view that the charity’s trustees did not cooperate openly and transparently with the Commission. "
Openness and transparency are not part of the JW's dictionary.
John Davis
It is interesting, and hopefully the British Branch inquiry they will be forced to make a change, but it is interesting that the Commission did not have a problem with the requirement that the trustees contact the legal department first. They should call the police first so hopefully, that will change.
Clear, compelling coverage that would be very hard for any pro-JW individual to explain away or defend.
Several adult JW males standing in judgement of JW females forced to answer questioning by the alleged perpetrator.
I would expect so much more of an organization that claims to be the sole channel of truth on earth and that routinely condemns all other religious groups as false and of Satan.
This excerpt from the Guardian's report exposes JW organization for what it is: More concerned with reputation than the protection of children:
"After the charity commission raised concerns about the meeting with the congregation’s trustees and WTBTSB, Rose was disfellowshipped".