For a while now, when someone asks me why JW's don't celebrate birthdays, I tell them the unadulterated truth. I say that in the Bible, 2 pagans celebrated their birthdays and 2 people got killed, and that's why we don't celebrate birthdays.Then if someone asks about why we can celebrate anniverseries, I tell them that nobody got killed for celebrating one, so it's up to our conscience. If someone asks if we take blood transfusions, I say no, but, we will take (and I name the different components) other portions of the blood. Then I volunteer that we used to think that taking an organ transplant was an act of cannibalism but we stopped disfellowshipping sick people and now it's up to our consciences because the Society has given us new light. Then i explain to them that we can't store our own blood because God told Noah to pour animal blood on the ground. .......The truth is very liberating. I suggest you use this honest approach.
When People Ask Questions About Jehovah's Witnesses, I Tell Them The Truth
by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends
I remember being told that if a person accepted a heart transplant , they would take over the donners personalities.I believed that crap , cheeeze
johnny cip
minimus ; that is good , but i blast thhe jw's right from the start. i catch them at the train station and work them over and any who take mag's . if some christian show's up and gets in , we have a tag team, and i fill them in on what the wt really teaches. these times are the best. cause i give the bible thumper info on the wt. and they in hand are whiping the jw's from another angle i'm not so up on.. talk about happy day's ....minimus when are you going to step out and be a man john
johnny cip
minimus ; sorry if i sounded rude. but that's just the way i see it. you can not be a elder or jw with your knoledge. i did not mean to hurt yourn feeling .. i could never go to the kh and lie to people. that just me . be well john
Johnny, you didn't hurt my feelings....We all have different approaches at different times. I feel very good about not trying to couch my words with people who are asking questions about the Witnesses. I don't even mind volunteering reasons why a JW feels the way they do on certain subjects. If I was asked why JW's don't stand for the national anthem, I would give the reason and then add that we will stand for the flag salute, though. If a person wants to know the Witnesses' stand on voting, i will tell them that voting is considered wrong for a Christian to do in this country but it's tolerated in other countries....I just want to speak the truth!
minimus, did i understand this correctly? are you still a jw?? why???
i've expressed this a number of times. I'm still a JW but not a believing one. I still have family that is in it. Actually, all of my family has been in it since the 1950's. I resigned as an elder last year. I attend few meetings and am "fading". My desire's to get out altogether, but I cannot do this at this moment. Things are happening in my family that is encouraging for me.
ok, i understand. im pretty new so i didn't know your story. i have been very impressed with your thoughtful and knowledgeable questions. im curious about your current spiritual views. do you still believe in god? where will you go?
i wish you well and hope you find your way. i hope things work out well with your family. my best to you. nowisee
That question was raised by happyman, a current JW, today. I do believe in God. I don't believe that he uses the GB, the "slave", the body of elders, or the Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. I feel that the Bible is open to anyone that wants to accept it. To think that ONLY JW's have the "truth" is insulting to billions of people who are not Witnesses. To think that they are merely ''walking dead" is so self-righteous! Believing that the worst JW is better that the most loving non-JW is Pharisaical. This religion is an insult to any person with a thinking brain.
minimus, thank you. i totally agree with you. so sad, so sad. individual thought process just goes out the window. are we all really so lazy?
my heart goes out to you. i wish you well.