Pat Roberston,92, comes out of his million dollar mansion ( which his loyal followers paid for ) to continue his doomsday prediction. Pat needs to make one last appearance to show his followers he was right all along. After all his failed predictions on his ''700 CLUB,'' Pat needs to show his followers that this ''doomsday prediction'' is a Bible prophecy. This doomsday predication might bail him out of his slump in ''false predictions,'' before he dies.
His 92 year old oxygen starved brain tells him that God is compelling Russian President Vladimir Putin to attack Ukraine and use Ukraine as a staging ground to prepare for the ''end times'' invasion of Israel.
Pat Robertson ends with, '' Watch what's going to happen next. You read the Bible because it's coming to pass.''
Pat your end will be here sooner than the ''end times''! Pat, go back in hiding before you get caught scamming old grandma's money!