josephus - Your signs are great. If so many have been hurt then why would they not pay heed and read a sentence/sign or 2! The apostates and their signs at Los Angeles, California, (1989-90) during my first convention were the most impressive thing of the 3-4 day waste of time. I knew from the protest/signs at out of town venues that I wasn't alone and I was brainwashed at that point about the lying truth! Simple phone numbers to call on signs -- something 1914 in the number! They were all kind people -- they were free people compared to the brain-washed JWs. No one protesting was obnoxious. The best was a young man at the convention door in Phoenix, Arizona. So funny - the protesters were the highlight of the boring, hot, miserable, conventions, I attended.
Do your thang - if helping others helps you then go for it -- now more than ever folks just might pay heed.