I have been pondering about this for a while. I wrote to Cedars at some point an offered to help translate his articles into Spanish but the answer was that they had all of their efforts committed. I wrote to Paul Grundy and never got an answer. I am not mad or anything. I understand they are busy and so am I. However, I've been lurking more and more into Spanish language forums and facebook pages. I am noticing a similar trend as the one I notice in my circuit. The Spanish crowd is generally unaware, not just of TTATT, but of many of the other seemingly more trivial things that go on in the JW world. I believe so is happening to a degree much larger than you would imagine, with people left in the blind because of their lack of access to information resources.
Just to give an example, last night in our book study the question in the paragraph was... who is the faithful and discrete slave?
Sister A- Just like the book mentions, a small group of anointed brothers around the world.
Elder A- Thank you sister, very good answer
Sister B- We learned from the publications that the faithful slave as Jesus predicted, is all of the anointed brothers from around the world.
Elder A- Thank you very much sister for your answer... now movin....(elder A gets interrupted by elder B)
Elder B- Now there is an interesting tidbit to be added here, brothers. This book was released several years ago and that is why it says the FD&S is all of the anointed brothers. We know, however, as it was published in 2013, that the FD&S is only the members of the GB of JWs. Not all of the anointed.
Elder A- Thank you Elder B for that clarification.
So as you can see, elder A was going to move on with confirming the old teaching. There are instances in which even the elders are either clueless or so out of focus that they answer "good" to anything the R&F says.
I have been thinking for a while about starting my own blog. I am just afraid that other life commitments would not allow me to give it the attention it deserves. I am about to start working with a therapist too and I am wondering what he would think about me putting an effort into activism. So I believe I am going to wait just a little longer to see what he recommends.
Would love to hear your thoughts. Constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. Haters are not.