ThiChi, I notice that your detractors have been reduced in the main to attacking you personally. This is a sure sign they have no valid arguments. Congratulations on your win, brother.
by chachasmum 25 Replies latest jw friends
ThiChi, I notice that your detractors have been reduced in the main to attacking you personally. This is a sure sign they have no valid arguments. Congratulations on your win, brother.
My last two posts in this thread attempted to explain the basis on which I was projecting the information regarding "zionist" conspiracies. It is difficult to swallow or imagine that such a thing exists. It was difficult for russians to imagine the atrocities of Stalin and the inner dealings of the KGB. Outspoken critics were silenced. I am sure no repsectable, peaceloving jew wants to hear about zionist conspiracies like germans did not want to hear about concentration camps.
You and your friend/supporter Francois are under no obligation to agree with the information. Enjoy your rights!
OK! let us go off topic:
"zionist conspiracies.." you mean like these:
IDF Involvement in Humanitarian Operations
Over the years,
Israel has provided the most aid it could to countries requiring assistance. The IDF has often been at the center of these humanitarian operations and has made an important contribution towards saving lives in foreign countries.On September 19th and 20th, 1985, two fierce earthquakes shook Mexico's capital, Mexico City. The earthquakes left in their wake thousands of homes demolished, in which thousands of people lay trapped. In the wake of this disaster, it was decided that an IDF relief mission would be sent to Mexico City, along with tons of humanitarian equipment —— medicines and tents, rescue equipment, professional rescue teams from the IDF's Rescue Unit and medical teams.
On December 7, 1988, a powerful earthquake hit Armenia and destroyed many towns across the entire country, leaving tens of thousands dead and injured, and many homeless. Around the world humanitarian aid missions were assembled, and they assisted the government of the USSR not only in rescuing and evacuating the injured, but also in distributing basic supplies.
Israel too sent an aid mission, which included a rescue unit comprised of rescuers, doctors and much needed supplies for the refugees.
On March 17, 1992, a powerful bomb blast rocked the Israeli embassy building in Buenos Aires. The blast caused the collapse of the four-story building. Twenty-nine people were killed in the explosion and 250 were injured, many of them buried alive. Israel dispatched a Homefront Command rescue team and doctors, who were assisted by tracking dogs. The mission helped to extricate and thereby save the lives of many people buried under the collapsed building.
Bloody civil war broke out in Rwanda in 1994 between the Hutu and the Tutsi tribes. The fighting cost one million people their lives. As a result of the war, millions of refugees were concentrated in refugee camps in neighboring countries. On June 23 the IDF flew a medical team comprised of doctors, medical staff, medical supplies, food and clothing to assist the refugees concentrated in proximity to the city of Goma in Zaire. To ensure the security of the medical team, a unit of Givati Brigade soldiers was also sent. Some 270 IDF soldiers and officers spent 40 days in the field hospital at the refugee camp, and provided medical and humanitarian aid.
On July 4, 1997, a huge fire broke out in a number of Turkish arms factories. The Turkish government turned to the The Israeli Air Force and asked for assistance in putting it out. The IAF sent assistance in the form of fire-fighting helicopters and sophisticated equipment. With the Israeli aid, Turkish efforts to put out the fire, which was threatening to engulf the adjacent city, were successful. The IAF received much praise for the successful aid.