Say goodbye...Armaggedon 15/ 05/ 03

by refiners fire 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I heard a very interesting theory not too long ago. This one has to do with the crop circles. This guy claims to be able to interprupt music into physical shapes in drawings. The claim is that the Beatles Abby Road recording studio lies in a patterned line between all the crop circles in the world. Also the band Tool is supposed to be so mathematically advanced, that they are sending messages to Aliens. And crop circles are mearly the physical interuptation of the musical pattern.

    Or so I heard anyway. :)

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    edited. How do you post a picture on this board now?? Sigh.

  • SYN

    OK, I downloaded that video, and I must say thanks again for posting one of the most humorous clips in recent history. God, I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes. For those who don't have ~30MBs of bandwidth to watch a really cr*ppy RM stream on, here's a transcript of the text, along with my "comments". Throughout the video, miscellaneous scenes dubbed bright red or purple in Adobe AfterEffects are shown, often slower than their intended frame rate, and the entire soundtrack is merely a track by Deep Forest, which is perfect, as it totally suits the subject matter. My entire office was cracked up for hours over this thing! (Note: I've preserved the original spelling, grammer, and typos):

    From deep within our galaxy every 3600 years, a Great Planet crosses between the Earth and the Sun. The results are cataclysmic for all...

    "Deep within our galaxy" is obviously impossible. Define "deep"? Even if the planet were travelling at C (impossible already, but we'll give 'em this one), that would mean that we could easily estimate it's maximum solar orbit, and that would certainly not be "deep" within our "Galaxy". Probably not even very far out into our Lower Leaf Cluster, to be exact. What absolute twaddle!!!

    By April, 2003, the Red Planet is visible for all to see. Appearing as a Red Cross in the skies, it signals Earth Changes are imminent.

    How convenient. Oddly enough, no amateur astronomers have seen this purportedly monstrous body. Maybe it's shy.

    A week before the passage, the Earth stops rotation and the world waits, then, in one hour, the Earth rotates 90 degrees as it realigns the Poles to the magnetic pull of Nibiru - the 12 planet, as it passes between the Earth and the Sun, as it does every 3,600 years.

    Right. In order to do this, the vast angular momentum of Earth has to go somewhere. I wonder where the Nibiruans plan to put it? Where the sun doth not cast it's glorious rays, perhaps? And, surprisingly enough, magnetic pole shifts are not all that uncommon on Earth. Go look at geological evidence if you doubt me, it's all there. There is certainly no flip every 3,600 years, that's for sure. Also, where would the tremendous energy come from to rotate Earth 90 degrees in one hour? Do these people understand how heavy Earth is? Nature has to balance her books somehow, and these people are engaged in dodgy Physics. Maybe they learnt how to add up numbers at Enron!

    Money...becomes meaningless to all...

    That's because everyone will have been blown off into space! When your eyeballs are exploding, money suddenly becomes a rather low priority!!! Except maybe to buy a pair of swimming goggles!

    As the Red Planet passes, giant waves wash over Earth, volcanoes erupt worldwide, and Earthquakes destroy all Cities. Dying comes easy and living comes hard.

    I thought of a very naughty reply to this particular sentence, but decided not to put it here. Suffice to say, it involved a large German sausage.

    90% of mankind is dead or dying, mighty nations are no more.

    These people are almost as bad as the Dubbies. Except, the Dubbies have them beat when it comes to the sheer scope of the killing - according to them, 99.9% of humanity will die, not just a pansy 90%. Sheesh, Nibiru seems positively healthy by comparison!

    Soon after passage, the Earth resumes rotation. Hurricane force winds sweep the world, volcanic ash darkens the skies.

    Notice how these people fail to specify exactly how the Earth begins rotating again. Guess they finally realized just how dodgy their physics was, so they tried to fix the error, but yet again, they stuffed up.

    This is the bit which almost made me cry with laughter:

    The struggle for life on Planet Earth begins anew...3rd density becomes 4th, and the journey of man evolves as intended. All is revealed.

    Riiiiiiiiiight! Hey Refiners, isn't it painful when 3rd density becomes 4th? Especially if it's accompanied by graphics of purple, throbbing virtual reality tunnels? And how can a journey evolve? Are there fossil journeys that we haven't found yet? Maybe just a few small walks around the block are awaiting our discovery, deep underground! Apparently the archeologists are finding trips up the stairs in the Andes these days!

    God help us...

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Jehovah, help us!!!

  • blackguard

    There are a couple of guys claiming to have sighted it earlier this week. They claim it can be seen in the Taurus constellation. If you draw an imaginary line from The Plieades to Alderbaran and do a 90 degree turn (down, if you live in the northern hemishpere; up, if you live in the southern) across the "breast" of El Toro, AND draw a straight line from Orion's belt (or the bottom of The Pot) to meet your other imaginary line, at that intersection is where it has currently been sighted, or claimed to have been sighted.

    Astrophysicist Richard Harrington claimed the so-called PlanetX would be sighted coming out of the Scorpius constellation. Physicist James McCanney is presently and supposedly on a trip to New Zealand to see if he can sight it.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    SYN: I found this highly amusing...

    .QUOTE.."That's because everyone will have been blown off into space! When your eyeballs are exploding, money suddenly becomes a rather low priority!!! "....

    As to this:

    .QUOTE.."Notice how these people fail to specify exactly how the Earth begins rotating again. Guess they finally realized just how dodgy their physics was, so they tried to fix the error, but yet again, they stuffed up."....

    Interesting ,I think other Physicists and mathematicians agree with your assessment about her altering her "transmissions" to fit in with the realities of physics:

    QUOTE: "By James M. McCanney, M.S. Monday November 11, 2002 at 05:08 AM......As most of you know I rarely if ever get involved in internet chat, but due to the recent and blatant plagerism of my book Planet X Comets and Earth Changes on the Nancy Zetaquack web site ... I sensed that this would be a good opportunity to point this out. The Zetaquack site has never been anything more than a compilation of material gained from obvious known sources (certainly not a band of space fairing little green men). My first tip off was that her original postings of "zeta-science" was right out of a NASA text book and we all know that they are wrong about many aspects of how outer space works. As of last spring her story was that one would not see Planet X until just 7 days before Earth encounter (this is what NASA still thinks) and it would appear as a large red sphere and that only at the date of passage would there be an effect (primarily a magnetic induced pole shift). But recently all that has changed and a subtle influx of my book's information has hit her site. Now she speaks only in terns of a huge comet that will be seen now (months before) ... complete with electrical discharges and polluting hydrocarbons in the comet tail as Earth is engulfed. She adds the mountain building, etc etc etc. Since there is never a date on the additions to this site she thinks that no one will notice. Isn't it strange that a person who claims to get her information form aliens needs 4 government handlers to help her out? (these people keep popping in and out at opportune times as well as maintain their disinformation roles on other web sites and chat pages). YES Nancy of Zetaquack is a fake ... since she left her programming job (isn't it ironic that all the gov. disinformation geeks are or were "programmers") and was whisked to Wisconsin for protection after some gov programmers involvement in the Heavens Gate affair ... to carry on the Zetaquack site ... it has become apparent that this was set up long ago to create the disinformation in classic gov. style. That is, they create a crazy person that the general public will see as related to Planet X in this case (ala Planet X is all those crazy people who claim to talk to aliens) and you have the perfect gov plan in place when the inevitable story of incoming new planetary objects breaks (sorry Nancy ... I was on this story long before you got your programming degree!)... when people hear about Planet X and related topics all they have to do is point to the prearranged case and WALA ... it keeps the public seeing those crazy planet X people. The above writer is correct ... there is a story to Planet X but you won't find it on the Zetaquack site! Feel free to post this far and wide.....'

    I think he doesnt like the woman. There is also, in McCanneys mind, some concern about the source material for her transmissions :

    QUOTE: "the recent and blatant plagerism of my book ..."

    Hey Blackguard. Glad to see you here. I was thinking of you when I posted this thread. Ypu should check out,if you already havent. its an interesting site. A lot of stuff there and its easy to read.

  • mattnoel

    Well at first I thought it was a society video - then to my horror I find out that it was actually someone elses prophecy about the end of the world !

    Well that screws my last post of my concern for the impending great day of JAH ! now I have this to worry about. But as one woman put on the site, the music was beautiful for those who do not fear death !

    Well I need for not, because as we all know America will prevail and America will save the day !!!! Has anyone seen "The Core" the earth stopped moving there and America got it back up and running again. I just hope to god they can get wind of this in time !

    I am sorry but are there really people out there that believe this crap ?! or are even stupid enough to create a whole video thing on it. This zeta woman has got serious issues and needs to be locked up.

  • blackguard

    Hey Refiners Fire, How ya doin? Look---I think one has to have an open mind about this issue. As a rule of thumb I never place any confidence in physics; a dollar to a dime they're always wrong! I did cruise through the zeta site some time back and more or less dismissed the whole issue until I saw it raised in a scientific discussion later.

    Because the myths of the Great Flood are so widespread it is at least plausible that it was a factual event, and this is without considering hard evidences. The same goes for the myths of the Sundisc. And being familiar with early WTS history, my interest in the subject was piqued both because Russell had an interest in the Sundisc, and especially because Christ's words in Mat24:29 was more descriptive of a physical celestial event. I personally cannot see any activity in either Taurus or Scorpius constellations, but my eyes are not A1. I suppose you've seen the Herald-Sun's NASA quotation bandied around various websites?

    Have you looked at this website:- and other links therein? I don't recall if you said so in your earlier post.

  • SYN

    Oh dear Ghod, this Zetatalk website is the biggest joke ever. As RF noted, it is not even remotely based on science. This is a disgusting quote:

    ZetaTalk: Prepare for Death

    Many concerned humans ask what they should tell those in India, who will find their tropical land sinking under water and becoming a new pole. We would tell them to prepare for death. The people of India do this well, as they live under very trying and harrowing circumstances. Starvation is rampant, affecting over half the populace in some regard where they are shriveled or retarded or watch their children die. Medical treatment is also very poor and diseases run rampant, and they likewise have droughts, crop shortages, and the horrendous cyclones that affect Bangladesh. Historically, and by their religious beliefs, they are very accepting and fatalistic.

    There is very little that can be expected. Should a mass of the people try to migrate north, this would be resisted. They would simply die, freezing to death in the mountains. If they tried to get in boats and sail to other lands, they would likewise find resistance. Of course, those scenes are playing out today - it’s called immigration and it’s very tightly controlled because so many people try to leave a crowded land and go elsewhere where opportunity is better. We have no advice for humans who are living in such human cultures, as this is not likely to change going into the pole shift. We would advise the people of India, caught in these circumstances, to prepare to die peacefully. Be with the ones they love. Have less panic and more acceptance. Drowning is fortunately a painless death, and relatively quick.

    Good grief!

  • neyank

    Has anyone seen the Bible/Ufo site?

    It discusses scripture that seems to be talking about ufos.

    What I find interesting about the whole Nibiru concept is it would explain cataclismic changes that have happened to the earth over the centuries.

    As far as the zeta site,it makes good science fiction.


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