Do the GB leaders of the JWS make its members delusionaly insane ?

by Finkelstein 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    This particular question or evaluation of the people who are participating JWS has come up before in debate. The more one deeply analyzes this the answer usually comes up in the affirmative yes.

    When you consider the fact that JWS members will abandon their own family, go as far as kill themselves under the direction of these men, it really confirms just how deep the mental and conscious indoctrination these men have gone..

    Lying corrupt charlatans mentally controlling people for their own sustenance, power, money and self glorifying identity, which in reality manifests itself as a blight against the health and welfare of humanity.

  • notsurewheretogo

    Captives to a Concept...great book...explains it all....Don man.

    If they are willing to die, kill babies etc without taking blood the answer is obvious.

  • Finkelstein
    Yes totally agree notsurewheretogo

    The precarious and damaging concept of believing and obeying in corrupt ignorant men running their own religoius publishing house.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Surprised? They have a direct HOT LINE to GOD!

    ChanceLight® Autism Services Compliance Hotline -

  • Finkelstein

    Since the men of the Watchtower Corporation have lied and deceived for so many years in their teaching and preaching version of the Gospel of Jesus, it would be correctly to assume that have a direct hot line to Satan.

    " Aww my boys from the WTS again want to know what to teach and write in their literature"

    Prank Calls To Satan

  • Biahi

    I would say yes, in certain cases. My aunt, for example. When she gets to talking about “da troof,” her eyes literally glaze over. She says nutty things, too. Like when my 89 year old grandma was hospitalized with pneumonia, nurses came in and took blood samples for testing. My aunt accused them of taking it to transfuse into someone else because “They know Jehovah’s Witnesses have good blood.” In other words, no AIDS, etc.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Captives of Concept. Wonderful book by Don Cameron.

    The illusion, which keeps JW's captive to a 'concept'. It's only an illusion, mirage, just a concept.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    I know I have posted this video before, but this is how I view it.

    I have set this video as 'done it like for kids' because of YouTube rules, but the message is about how people are sucked in via a lie, trapped and exploited. It is a very cruel, nasty psychological (semantics/comprehension/ inner person) and sociological (group unity/peer pressure/identity) trick.

  • Phizzy

    Delusional, certainly, insane is probably a little strong, but as an attention grabbing word to use, and cause discussion , is a good choice.

    The problem is, that cutting through the Mind Control, and getting them to see the dangerous reality of their position, and that of their children, is beyond just difficult, it is well nigh impossible.

  • silentbuddha

    In sooner cases I think prolonged exposure to the crazy beliefs and lifestyle does activate mental instability in some people. In most cases I think the religion just attracts those with mental disorders.

    I was a born-in who left at 35. In all those years I NEVER encountered a person who claimed to be of the anointed who wasn't mentally unstable. Im talking 20 plus people, all were obviously dealing with mental issues.

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