When I saw this study article, I suddenly desired to attend the meeting tomorrow to give a stupid answer...
Par. 6 has a question which reads, "What should guide our decisions?" I wanted to say that we need to think independently and reject anything absurd. Then, I wanted to give an example of the "overlapping generations" and reason, very briefly, why we should "reject outright such lies." (I'm "mis"quoting Stephen Lett―something that the Watchtower seems to enjoy.) I wanted to finish the answer by saying, "I do not answer to Watchtower. Watchtower does not, and never has had, any authority over me." All this would be an answer to "What should guide our decisions?"
However, I soon realised that they would take the microphone from me anyway. But, heck, I would love to see whether any elders would want to talk to me after the meeting!