Mounded From Clay

by konceptual99 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • konceptual99

    Just sitting through this week's WT study and just spent 5 minutes listening to multiple answers where people are convinced that Jehovah made humans from clay, literally forming Adam like a sculpture then breathing life into him.

    It's embarrassing to think I basically thought the same...

  • konceptual99

    Also embarrassing is my inability to note auto typing on my tablet. Moulded not mounded....

  • Landy

    While I find it amusing that you're sat at the meeeting posting on an apostate site you really need to find somethng better to do on a Sunday morning!

  • Crazyguy

    What's even more sad is in both Egyptian and Sumerian mythology they each have a god older then jehovah that molded man out of clay.

  • TheWonderofYou

    this is as summary about the origins

    Polish artists and clay fellows have the motto "We are all from the same clay".

  • konceptual99

    Review question one... How Jehovah chooses who he molds... Answer ... By looking at hearts not outward appearance

    Review question three ... How God molds those who submit... Answer ... They stop wearing tight pants

    Oh the irony....

  • Diogenesister

    It's funny how the smart ones will always add " but we have all the minerals etc that you find in the soil in us!". Yeah... more going all round the houses in order to make these Stone Age stories make sense!

    PS auto cue lol!

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, and by using a rib from a man, a lesser being known as woman was a subservient or submissive being ....

  • jonahstourguide

    Oh, and any how, the Chinese dynasty vase didn't sell for $70 million.

    The bidder reneged on the purchase and it was eventually sold two years later for about half of that.

    I googled ming dynasty vase sells for 70 million dollars. interesting story actually.


  • konceptual99
    What's even more sad is in both Egyptian and Sumerian mythology they each have a god older then jehovah that molded man out of clay.

    I never knew that. I've just looked it up in Wikipedia and it seems the myth is even more extensive than just Egyptian and Sumerian sources.

    Thanks for the info.

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