Actually, I think the prospective candidate has to provide the alcohol.
How Do They Chose Someone To Be A Member Of The Illustrious Governing Body?
by Brokeback Watchtower 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The way it works in every religion and corporation is that you build up a reputation as a person who can get 'things' done while keeping in line with and supportive of the culture and leadership of the organization.
You go forward in that world by gaining the trust and support of those you serve....... by delivering what they need and never undermining them.
You learn to reflect your light on your mentor(s) so that they receive the credit for your work.
With the GB it probably helps to show up with a bottle of very expensive scotch. And your testicles intact.
Brokeback WT - "How do they chose someone to be a member of the illustrious Governing Body?"
Harry Connick, Jr. demonstrated the "one-knee" approach with Will Smith in Independence Day (couldn't find a screencap, sorry).
stan livedeath
brown nosing
A yes man, a good ole boy and a major ass kisser!
Oh year, I forgot one! You have to be a "spiritual man." It took me years to figure out what that meant. Doing all the JW tasks required, without complaining.
The process is partially mentioned in another thread: The Senile Eight, a Different Take.
Check it out! New light!
stan livedeath
Oh year, I forgot one! You have to be a "spiritual man." It took me years to figure out what that meant. Doing all the JW tasks required, without complaining.
including driving out to the booze store ?
In the first century, Christian cast lots to choose Judas' replacement, Matthias. Like tossing dice and praying to god to control what came up to choose Barsabbas or Matthias.
Acts 1:23-26
23 So they proposed two, Joseph called Barʹsab·bas, who was also called Justus, and Mat·thiʹas. 24 Then they prayed and said: “You, O Jehovah, who know the hearts of all,+ designate which one of these two men you have chosen 25 to take the place of this ministry and apostleship, from whichJudas deviated to go to his own place.”+ 26 So they cast lots over them,+and the lot fell to Mat·thiʹas, and he was counted along with the 11 apostles.
Objects used to ascertain the divine will when questions of national importance needed an answer from Jehovah.
just saying!