Anony Mous, you asked good questions to me when you said "why should people who are immune have to continue to wear masks? Don’t you believe that the vaccines work?"
In making my earlier post about masks I hadn't given thought specifically to whether ones who were fully vaccinated should wear masks. Based upon what I have read and heard on the news the various Covid-19 vaccines work to various degrees of effectiveness. Furthermore there are new strains/variants of the virus and for some of those the vaccines don't seem to provide nearly as much protection. One concern that I have is that if someone in a store or on public transportation is not wearing a mask, what proof do I and others have that the person is vaccinated and/or immune to Covid-19. Unless the person provides documentation of having been vaccinated how can any of us really know the person is vaccinated and/or immune?
It seems to me that the guidance stated at is worth considering.
Regarding whether the current Covid-19 vaccines are safe, I haven't yet made up my mind on that subject. I lean towards thinking they are safe, due to the medical community saying they are safe, but in researching how they are made I notice that most of them are mRNA type of vaccines. says the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause the human body cells to make a harmless protein piece and later to display it on the surface of the cells. The article says "Our immune systems recognize that the protein doesn’t belong there and begin building an immune response and making antibodies, like what happens in natural infection against COVID-19." My worry is that the immune systems of some of those receiving the vaccine might do more than attack the Covid-19 protein pieces, namely that they might also attack all of the body cells of some people which have the protein pieces on their surfaces - causing an autoimmune disease.
The article says "mRNA vaccines have been held to the same rigorous safety and effectiveness standards [332 KB, 24 pages]external icon as all other types of vaccines in the United States. The only COVID-19 vaccines the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will make available for use in the United States (by approval or emergency use authorization) are those that meet these standards." But, I am still concerned.