The Extremes of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Scoiety

by The_Seeker 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The_Seeker

    I have been reading through the posts over the last few days and something occurred to me, an epiphany, if you will. People don't leave the JW's, especially those raised in the religion, simply because it is easier for them to continue to believe a lie even when faced with the truth. The ability to think critically is something that most JWs lack, we all know this to be true, but I truly believe many of them are simply too lazy to try anything different. That's why they always ask the question, " Where will you go ? ", when someone decides to leave the organization. They are so accustomed to having someone tell them what to do in every situation that they do not want to have to make decisions for themselves. I'm not talking about a physical laziness, but a laziness of intellect. Since I grew as a JW I know that many times the younger people just go along with the older ones and really don't believe what the JWs believe they just maintain the status quo. I know I did, I knew the religion wasn't the truth from the time I was about 14 years old, but I had to go along with it because my mom was a devout believer and my dad didn't go to church period, he was Catholic, but non-practicing. So, I went through the motions until I graduated High School and then I quit shortly afterward. The Elders came and spoke with me several times finally telling me they were going to take action, I said that was fine. They disfellowshipped me and I never looked back and never wanted to, I am living a full life and hope to do so for many years to come.

    In Love and Peace

    The Seeker

  • FedUpJW

    I'm not talking about a physical laziness, but a laziness of intellect

    I understand that. I was chastised by an elder who pretty well hates FedUp who stated, "Brother Fedup, you think WAY TOO MUCH about things!"

    I replied, "Brother Half-Wit, YOU need to start thinking a little bit more!"

  • scratchme1010
    They are so accustomed to having someone tell them what to do in every situation that they do not want to have to make decisions for themselves. I'm not talking about a physical laziness, but a laziness of intellect.

    Thank you for sharing some of your experience. I have to say that many people have different circumstances in which they leave (some fade and as such have time to prepare, while others are thrown out into the world outside by getting disfellowshipped). People also have different personalities, attitudes towards life outside, and capacity to discern things about the world around.

    Also, people have different levels of attachment to that organization and their believes. Some are emotionally attached as they feel that being a JW is part of their culture, and others, like me, couldn't care less about anything JW after I left, as influenced by them as I was. Others leave but still believe in what they say to various degrees.

    I embraced leaving, and was looking forward to my life outside. Yes, I did and still do have a little bit of the follower, but people are not robots, and people aren't stupid either. We found our way as we minimize the influence of that organization.

  • smiddy3

    I believe you have a valid point The seeker.

    They are so accustomed to having someone tell them what to do in every situation that they do not want to have to make decisions for themselves.

    And that`s because they are so indoctrinated to do so when they had the book study and the Watchtower study whereby you were asked the question and the answer was already for you to just repeat .

    repetition,repetition,repetition,over many,many ,many years is indoctrination,which is in turn brainwashing.

    That is also why so many who leave the religion never shake off the chains that bind them to the religion .

    In one sense they leave the religion and they may outwardly seem to live a normal life (do things that would get them DF if they were still attending but because their not they rationalize it ) however the religion never leaves them because of their indoctrination and they may not even be aware of it.

  • jwleaks

    There's a reason JWs refer to themselves as sheep. Sheep have an IQ less than the biblically unclean pig.

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Most J.W.'s haven't had an epiphany yet, ("a moment of sudden and great revelation or realization") but many are sitting in their K.H.'s two times per week wondering what the hell is going on with their beloved religion - AKA "the truth."

    All they require is a catalyst, something to strike home so hard that it can't be ignored or put to the back of their mind. Whether it's a personal attack, a scriptural realization, or a media revelation, is not important - as long as activates the mind. "Seeds" will grow if the soil is ready for it!

  • punkofnice

    When I was a jobo I was afraid to think for myself. If I had a problem, I consulted the 'bound volumes(tm)' (for my equivalent of a University education), or the Washtowel CD ROM.

    I often knew the answers but wanted to make sure I was in step with Jehovah's 'chariot(tm)'.

    I found the publications(tm) were devoid of anything spiritual or interesting. It was all 'do more you lower than us, worthless cretin'.

    I still have difficulty making decisions but I'm getting better at it. I believe this is all from my 'watchtower education(tm)'.

  • steve2

    JW organization is a perfect place for complacency of belief.

    It demonises “independent thinking” so if you’re already inclined towards unthinking compliance, any incentive to think things through is easily extinguished.

    This is an anti-intellectual religious group that prides itself on unity above all else.

    And fear is the bottom line.

  • sparrowdown

    It's a cult, people are trained to not question. Never underestimate the power of cult indoctrination and thought stopping - it really does get in and has nothing to do with intelligence or a lazy weak mind.

    It's a cult.

  • JakeM2012

    Punk of ice, you are correct, the majority Jw's are not spiritual people. The majority of Jw's do not read the Bible let alone the Wt and Awake magazines. They know more about organizational procedures, rules, and regulations than the scriptures. Witnesses in the congregation are more aware of the Presiding Overseer (COB,e) and his wife's views than what the Bible has to say.

    Elder's meetings with the MS's may open the meeting with a scripture, but when the elders meet themselves, the Bible is rarely consulted. They miss the point of the scriptures, especially what Jesus taught by example because the organization has high jacked all application of the scriptures to serve their own selfish needs.

    When a person has to go on the defensive because they helped a disfellowshipped individual change a flat tire in the parking lot of the KH or on the road coming to the Hall or going home, it's because the organization rulers have completely overwritten the lessons of love and lessons in the parables like the Good Samaritan. The WTBTs has selfishly applied all scriptures to themselves for their own selfish gain.

    For instance, where Jesus said, if you do it to the least of these, my brothers, you did it to me. The WTBS leaders have selfishly inserter that they are the "least of these brothers" and therefore, you need to support them through works and contributions. Instead of seeing the lesson to treat all people well and not cause divisions, either racial, religious or other reasons, all the scriptures apply to a very small group of anointed select who happen to live in New York. That is why even Witnesses so-called "relief" efforts fall short of the foundation of the Christian Faith, because they are doing it for the faithful and discreet slave, not because of love for their suffering fellow humans or brothers.

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