Today's Text: A Whole Lot Of Bull****!!!

by Divergent 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Divergent

    Friday, September 30

    One thing I have asked from Jehovah—it is what I will look for—that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life.—Ps. 27:4.

    As part of Jehovah’s organization, what joy we now have in telling others about God’s promised new world! (2 Pet. 3:13) “The meek will possess the earth,” says Psalm 37:11, “and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” People “will build houses and live in them” and will enjoy “the work of their hands.” (Isa. 65:21, 22) There will be no more oppression, poverty, and hunger. (Ps. 72:13-16) Babylon the Great will no longer deceive anyone, for she will not exist. (Rev. 18:8, 21) The dead will be resurrected and given the opportunity to live forever. (Isa. 25:8; Acts 24:15) What thrilling prospects exist for millions who have made a dedication to Jehovah! For such promises to become realities for us as individuals, we must continue to make spiritual progress, moving ahead with God’s organization, always keeping pace with it. w14 5/15 4:16, 17

    10 important questions to "meditate upon" :

    1. One thing I have asked from Jehovah—it is what I will look for—that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life.

    Hey psalmist... wouldn't Jehovah destroy you if you choose NOT do dwell in his house? So you don't have to ask Jehovah to dwell in his house in the first place, you really have NO choice but to do so!

    2. As part of Jehovah’s organization, what joy we now have in telling others about God’s promised new world!

    Well, we are forced to, are we not? Preaching is NOT voluntary, it is forced upon JW's with the belief that engaging in the preaching work is a compulsory requirement which is necessary for their salvation. And even if we are NOT joyful in doing so, we are forced to "find joy" and deceive ourselves with the thought that such work is joy when it is really not!

    3. “The meek will possess the earth,” says Psalm 37:11, “and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

    If I am meek, God would know it, wouldn't he? I do not have to go around boasting that I am of the meek ones described in this scripture. Also, when I was a JW, I had NO peace of mind due to the endless demands of the organization and the fear of being destroyed at Armageddon because I wasn't "doing enough“ (but I do now!)

    4. People “will build houses and live in them” and will enjoy “the work of their hands.”

    You can already do that now, unless you are a dead poor JW

    5. There will be no more oppression, poverty, and hunger

    Again, I am NOT opressed, in poverty, or hungry. Maybe I would be if I was still a JW!

    6. Babylon the Great will no longer deceive anyone, for she will not exist.

    This so-called "Babylon the Great" who deceives people... doesn't it sound like the Watchtower Society who has decived and continues to deceive millions?

    7. The dead will be resurrected and given the opportunity to live forever.

    ... while more than 7 BILLION people are murdered at Armageddon with no mercy shown to them by a God of LOVE, even though the only "wrong" that they have done is not believing in an unconvincing message. Makes sense!

    8. What thrilling prospects exist for millions who have made a dedication to Jehovah!

    ... except those who are "spiritually weak", not doing enough in "the truth", skipping meetings / service, not pioneering / putting in enough hours, going out in service but not doing it well enough and incurring bloodguilt as a result, putting off baptism, pursuing higher education, indulging in other "worldly pursuits", engaging in "secret sins", not reaching out, not an MS by 23, wearing tight pants and colored socks, having facial hair apart from a moustache, etc., for these ones would be screwed at Armageddon. Thrilling prospects indeed!

    (Seriously wondering how many would survive Armageddon if we follow the rigid standards set by the WT. Probably just a few thousand LOL)

    9. For such promises to become realities for us as individuals, we must continue to make spiritual progress

    How do you define "spiritual progress?“ Blindly agreeing with and following everything the org says? Standing dumbly besides a cart / trolley? Being judged by man-made rules and criteria according on how obedient you are to the org INSTEAD of showing true love and performing fine works on behalf of others in need without expecting anything in return? Congratulations... you are now a "spiritual" person!

    10. moving ahead with God’s organization, always keeping pace with it.

    I've moved ahead of "God's organization" and Jehovah’s stupid chariot which goes around in endless circles! You can call that real progress =)

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  • prologos

    of David. Ps. 27. -- 4: --was David not encroaching ? was not the house of God, The Tent in his days, reserved for the priests? In the wt world reserved for the "anointed" ?

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Well analysed Divergent.

    And we used to put up with drivel on a daily basis!

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  • Divergent


    of David. Ps. 27. -- 4: --was David not encroaching ? was not the house of God, The Tent in his days, reserved for the priests? In the wt world reserved for the "anointed" ?

    Well, my understanding is that he was dwelling in the sense that he was there very often...

  • Divergent

    Half banana:

    And we used to put up with drivel on a daily basis!

    Tell me about it! I was a born-in with an elder dad and a pioneer mum

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  • Life is to short 2
    Life is to short 2

    I was just told by a CO and local elder that we are volunteers in service and that the CO that told me 10 years ago that I had no chose but to take child molesters DTD was wrong all I would have had to do was say NO!

    Funny there is no where that it says this in print.

    I love the saying if it's not in writing it didn't happen, which fact I am going to tell them both this weekend. The only thing I can find in writing is we must obey the elders no matter what!

    I think they are starting to really hate me.


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  • ttdtt
    ... while more than 7 BILLION people are murdered at Armageddon with no mercy shown to them by a God of LOVE, even though the only "wrong" that they have done is not believing in an unconvincing message. Makes sense!

    Also - where does god plan to put the estimated 100 billion people who have died? Mars and Venus?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "There will be no more oppression, poverty, and hunger."

    I wish the "faithful slave" would make up its damned mind!

    Their version of the millennium is going to be hellish, so where's the good news?

  • Vidiot

    "...As part of Jehovah’s organization, what joy we now have in telling others about God’s promised new world..."

    It always put me in a funk whenever the Org would talk about how happy just being a JW was supposed to make you.

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  • Divergent


    I was just told by a CO and local elder that we are volunteers in service and that the CO that told me 10 years ago that I had no chose but to take child molesters DTD was wrong all I would have had to do was say NO!

    Funny there is no where that it says this in print.

    I love the saying if it's not in writing it didn't happen, which fact I am going to tell them both this weekend.

    Err... why would you want to meet with them in the first place?


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