Did you ever had a over zealous brother/sister with tales that where even told from the Platform on how Gee-hovah did things for this person at nausea. Just made you sick. An insult to one's intelligence.
Gee-hovah does this and Geehovah does that for me!
by Overrated 19 Replies latest jw friends
All the dang time! It is quite insulting to the intelligence. Especially the stories of people who quit their job because their employer would not give them time off to attend a District Convention only to obtain a higher paying line of work after the Convention. How about the brothers and sisters who did the same only to find themselves homeless? Where are those stories?
I was living at home with parents and the convention$ week came. I could not get the time off so I ended up losing that high paying job. Then, hearing that bullshit experience at the convention only run more salt into the wound. Such a loving, understanding group!?!
You cannot lose if you are god. Anything good that happens means that god has to receive credit. I no help is received well then it's because you don't deserve it, or god has bigger plans.
road to nowhere
He got me a used car for a price equal to a brand new one same model. But no depreciation.
A lot of marginal employees get the axe
Meeting comments too are ripe with astonishing statements by those, who according to the Lord's law should excel by their silence,
" J--- likes this and not that, J--- will, will not, J---- soon--." "we all should-- " amazing prophetesses.
If I was listening to say a timeshare spill, and the salesman mentioned my name 3 times or more in each sentence, and mispronounced it too, I would conclude this arrogant person was blowing smoke up my A**.
A lot of marginal employees get the axe
This is a valid point. I’m an employer and I wouldn’t hire many jws. Why would I hire someone who refuses to work overtime(we pay 1 1/2 times regular pay) when we have a busy week or have a customer order to fill. I even allow some of the guys bank their time and get extra time off on weekends or in the summer. Maybe the boss had enough and let these guys go.
That imaginary sky Hitler didn't do anything for the Lillelid family...on their way to a convention....
Faith in imaginary men in the sky is not good!
I'm endlessly amused by the thought of the sovereign Lord of the Universe, the one who created trillions of stars, each of them performing trillions of thermonuclear reactions, the one who cannot be contained by the size of the 14-billion-light-year universe....
...is so caught up in the minutiae of the inhabitants of one planet orbiting one star out of all those trillions.
"Hmm, I think I'll leave off managing these superclusters of galaxies over here and those trillions of angels over there to cause a breeze on, what was that planet again? Oh yes, earth, cause a breeze on earth to blow a discarded JW tract to the left instead of the right, so it happens to cross the path of this depressed teenager who is upset because the kids in school make fun of him."