The whole "left wing media" thing started way back in the Nixon era as a way to discredit all of the (true) criticism and exposing of the targets in question. It has been a go-to defense since then - it's basically an ad hominem used to get people to ignore facts.
Once the Fairness Doctrine ( was abolished in Reagan's era, that led to a lot of extreme right wing news sources like Rush, and mostly right wing sources like the majority of Fox News appearing that literally consistently feed extremely slanted viewpoints (at best), misinformation, and in many instances, out and out lies to good portions of the American public. That's one reason why I often warn non Americans about news sources from here - it's bad enough that more than half of this country can't figure out what's going on while being here - listening to it filtered through already misinformed people is a nightmare.
As for ex-Witnesses, I think a lot depends on why that person left in the first place. People that left through logically figuring out that things were wrong are probably going to lean with more logical viewpoints in other areas, which often leans left socially politically (as the American "left" isn't even really leftist in Canada and much of Europe and would actually be considered pretty right as is - the American right is ultra extreme right). If a person left strictly for ego or emotional issues, there's nothing saying that they can't be drawn into more thinking that resembles JW thinking in the first place, and may go the other way, at least socially. Fiscally, it can be more complicated.