Hey Khaleesi. I am glad to see you have the courage it takes to make the next move on your fade. However, I am puzzled by the steps in which you are making things. Perhaps that order is best for you and your congregation; as I am not living your situation, I cannot tell. However, usually, we stop attending the meetings for a few months and then, stop reporting time. Not the other way around. Doing so removes the stress of dealing with them at "the next meeting".
When I stopped reporting my time, I got phone calls and visits from a few JWs and elders. I was very pleasant and polite with everyone and reassured them that it was only temporary, even if I knew it was for good. Yeah, I know, I lied, but is that a bad thing when you are threatened? even if they do it out of "love and concern"?
Eventually, I told them nicely that I understood and appreciated their concerns and that I would call back on them when the time is right. Of course, that time never came.
At first, you may play the sick, depressed, "working too much" cards. These are things that they expect you to do or be. In short, you need to look as they would expect you to be, that is, miserable. If you don't, they could very well start a witch hunt on you and things could get much more complicated.
After a year or more, you will then be "allowed" to be yourself when you encounter JWs in your day to day life. I assure you, that moment will be one of the best in your life. It is than that JWs will know that you are actually happy and doing well, even better! And you won't need to worry about the elders, they won't follow up as you'll have been gone for too long.
Also, if in the meantime, some JWs keep coming to your house unannounced, you can be firm and yet polite: "Sorry, I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, but unannounced visits like this make ME feel uncomfortable. Here is an idea: Let me give you my email address so that next time you feel the urge to stop by, you will be able to send me an email instead."