Thanks very much to all for the encouraging words of hope. I hope that sharing this letter may allow others to find some validation for how they may be feeling in similar circumstances. Please do feel free to use any of these thoughts or words if you feel they may be of help in reaching out to your loved ones.
I hope that one day those members of my family still in the WT will learn what Christian love and tolerance mean. Better yet, I hope that the WT messes up so badly that honest-hearted persons have their faith in them shaken to the core and "get out of her", as they love to ascribe to persons leaving other religions. Unfortunately, those who want to believe will probably accept any explanation for anything they may change -- like disfellowshipping or blood prohibitions.
I am still amazed that a "Christian" religion can cause immediate family members to abandon relationships with unbelieving family members. Shows how thoroughly brainwashed and controlled they truly are.
Seven and Path, very good to know that you two are still here! Hope that you both are finding happiness and fulfillment in your lives. Miss chatting with you. I guess I feel a need to visit here again and I am very glad to hear from "old friends" like yourselves.
Love and affection,