I, too, was an all-in believer. I lived it. I think back to where I was in the eighties, coming home every day and watching The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, looking for indications that the "imminent" end was coming. It's shocking to compare my beliefs and situation now to those of that period.
The arrogance, the self righteousness and the pride make me so unhappy
I also observe the negatives of JWs such as arrogance, self-righteousness, smugness, ignorance, blindness, org & man worship (idolatry), lack of reasoning ability (or refusal to reason), etc. However, rather than such making me unhappy, they make me mad. I think it would be beneficial for you to have a similar reaction. Have justifiable, constructive anger; don't be unhappy. Unhappiness wears you down and drains you; anger (a controlled, healthy kind) can motivate, stimulate, and invigorate.
Seek truth. Plan for the future. Watch the unfolding situation in JW land. It's really interesting to observe. I think we are going to see more changes. I believe you (we) will be vindicated at some point in the future.
Lift your head up. Be a good person. Be caring and kind, but strong. Stand up for what you believe to be truth, but don't be like JWs; be reasonable and be willing to change if you find or are shown evidence that contradicts.