My father was an elder but stepped down because of health reasons. But not really, he saw trouble on the horizon and got out. He was a VP at an oil company and just didn't like how Watchtower treated people.
Can Elders Voluntarily Resign?
by NotFormer 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Looking at that photo all I could think of who is that chick in the white slacks ?
My unbaptized teenage kids (because I would NOT allow that to happen) were becoming an issue so it made it easy to say I needed to spend more time with my family.
Best decision I ever made.
stan livedeath
my father stepped down to be my disabled mum's full time carer. But that was 30 years ago.
Yes, I resigned as well. I spoke frankly and told them that there were a few issues I no longer believed in and as such would feel hypocritical pretending to teach/guide the friends.
Needless to say they were troubled, yet respectful of my humility/honesty.
I said I wanted to step down for health reasons (that part was true at the time). Two elders didn't visit me to talk it over which the instructions say should happen. I later found out that a member of the service committee who didn't like me drafted up a letter, copied and pasted my signature from a piece of correspondence on file, got the other 2 stooges on the service committee to sign it and it was sent to the Bethel. When I found out about this I asked to see "my letter" but was told that I couldn't.
I was peeved about it for a while but then thought "not my circus not my monkeys" and left them to their in-fighting. I do feel that you become invisible once you are no longer serving because you are out of the insider gossip circle. But hey! You got your own life and can get on with it.
It's easier to step aside and walk away, than to say the wrong thing and get kicked out.
I told the body I needed to spend more time with our teenagers. I kept my mouth shut about doubts, and half the body tried to keep me from stepping down. The day after I did, half the elders treated me like I was "marked". Quite strange, they wouldn't even call on me for a comment.
" I was peeved about it for a while but then thought "not my circus not my monkeys" and left them to their in-fighting."
That sounds very wise. That they actually forged documents is crazy 😧. How often do you think that kind of thing goes on?
"The day after I did, half the elders treated me like I was "marked". Quite strange, they wouldn't even call on me for a comment."
It sounds like the whole org is built around kicking people out; just letting people walk doesn't seem like an option in anyone's eyes. 🙄
a "good ole boy" went before the other "good ole boys" and told them he no longer should be an elder ( having committed adultery )...The "good ole boys " in control told him he had done nothing wrong and should go on serving. He did "step down in spite of the others in the "boy's club" because the wife told him the congregation wouldn't agree with the "good ole boys". I don't recall it was ever announce that so and so was no longer serving as an elder---he just moved to another location and quit meetings altogether and reportedly told Jehovah to go to hell.
road to nowhere
I resigned as a Ms, they accepted very fast. Toldme it was my first good idea. It was. The CO was actually kinder