Please give a number of examples to prove that JW's are a controlling group.
Give Examples Of How The Witnesses Are Controlling
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Really, is there anything they don't try to control?
I think the best examples are simple things that have absolutely nothing to do with morality or Bible principles. When is the last time you saw a JW man with a beard? You would think individuals would be allowed to make such a simple decision for themselves, but no.
They try to control your sex life, social life, recreation, education, just to point out few...
how about how you think? It's not even so much what you do or don't do, it's actually HOW we are to think. We are to think that reading any dissenting view, other than Watchtower's is immoral or even pornographic! If we are THINKING about not going to a meeting and instead going to a concert, we are spiritually weak. And GUILT motivates most JW's over anything else. And FEAR, too.
I agree with all the examples given thus far. Another area is career choices. And, even the type of work you do and the hours you work, being made to feel guilty if you work overtime.
It's simply the fact that you can't think for yourself. If anyone has a query or a problem, they go running to the elders to ask them to make their decision for them. They take away your free choice and, whilst you are deeply involved with WT stuff, you don't realise what they are doing. It is only when you take a few steps back and look at the organisation from the outside, you realise what is going on.
They want to control what you wear, read, watch (TV & films), how you treat non-JW family & friends, your opinion, your associates, where you work, your education, your recreation, basically EVERYTHING. They bog you down with petty rules and regulations and make you so weary that you don't have the energy or desire to even think for yourself. They fill your week up with meetings, ministry, preparation for meetings, family studies, outside Bible studies, personal study, just study study study!
The weird thing is, they insist all the above is good for you. If you struggle, it's because you are weak and need to study more. If you get depressed, you aren't studying enough. If you really get sick of the whole shabang, you were obviously neglecting your personal Bible study and never really developed a meaningful, personal relationship with Jehovah. They do exactly what Jesus accused the Scribes and Pharisees of doing -they bind men down with heavy loads - what a bunch of hypocrites.
Control freaks, the lot of them!
1. Don't sit at the back of the hall.
2. Sit at the back of the hall if you have noisy kids.
3. Train your kids not to be noisy and don't sit at the back of the hall.
4. If you're disfellowshipped, sit at the back of the hall.
5. If you're reinstated, don't sit at the back of the hall.
6. If you're late, sit in the back of the hall so you don't disturb others.
7. Don't be late.
* * *
If I remember this KM correctly, it goes like this: don't salute the flag. You can stand respectfully for the flag salute as long as you don't have your hand over your heart and/or are saying the Pledge of Allegiance. However, if people are just standing while someone else does the Pledge, then you have to sit down. Unless, of course, you are standing already, in which case you don't have to make a public display of sitting down. If the National Anthem is being sung, you have to sit down, unless everyone is singing it, then you can stand up but not sing. No nose picking allowed under any circumstances (oh, wait, that's MY rule).
Don't, don't, don't. That about sums it up.
Nina (of the Yes-I-Can class!)
Rules......Rules....Rules!!!!....If we were able to simply live by the Golden Rule, we would not need any list of do's and dont's.
If the National Anthem is being sung, you have to sit down, unless everyone is singing it, then you can stand up but not sing.
I never understood why you could not stand respectfully while the anthem was being sung. It wasn't like you were "worshipping" anything.
If you ever wanted to start a scene somewhere, just sit down while the anthem is being sung at a sporting event. You'll definately feel the persecution. I used to always find my seat and then go back out and hang out and get beer/food and hoped to time it so that I missed the anthem. Used to.
If it's not okay to stand for the anthem or pledge of allegiance, how about in a court of law, when everyone is told to stand when the judge comes in? Should a JW stay seated for that? If they are allowed to stand for that, then what's the difference between showing him respect but not the anthem or flag?
I think the question should be reversed, and ask "What don't they control in our lives"?
They even tried to control God by telling him when to bring Armageddon. 1914,1975,....