Before the measles vaccine in 1954, 2.6 million people died of measles every year. A single measles victim infects 18 other people on average. The flu is 3. Ebola is 2. If you are not vaccinated, you will get the measles if exposed. It could blind you or even kill you. It will wipe out your immunity database, making you vulnerable to all sorts of nasty illnesses.
Get your MMR if you haven't had it. Measles kills. Mumps causes deafness. Rubella causes infertility. They were nearly gone, and we are allowing them to thrive again through the willful ignorance epidemic.
Mandatory Vaccinations...are you for or against ??
by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends
So really, what reasons do people give for not getting vaccinated???
Incognigo Montoya
I have never gotten a flu shot either, min, though I may when I get older and more susceptible. I have always had a very healthy immune system when it comes to common illnesses, and believe that allowing your body to run through the cycle of getting sick, especially when you're young and healthy, helps build a stronger immune system. What always troubles me about the flu shot, is that they dont always get the strain right, and the possibility of you still contracting the flu remains pretty high, 40% if you're a healthy adult! Since I rarely get sick, generally once every other year or two, so, I figure, why screw with a good thing?
On the other hand, getting a serious illness, like the measles, can be disastrous to small children and infants, who aren't old enough to get a vaccine, and even though the percentage is small, that you can contract the disease if you've been immunized, there's still a chance, like 7%, that you can still contract it, and so, it's just good preventative medicine to go ahead and vaccinate your children when they are old enough. Why risk an epidemic?
Btw, my percentages are rough and based on a small bit of past research. There may be better numbers someone who has a better medical background, or better, more recent research, may have to share.
Incognigo Montoya
Min, there are some people who believe there is a link between vaccinations of children, and autism. Basically that it can cause autism in an otherwise healthy child. I believe there's also other arguments to other life changing side effects in otherwise healthy children. I think some of the parents who refuse to vaccinate are actually scared of a crippling side effect, but the vast majority is just parents being too lazy to go get it done, and then using the side effect theory as an excuse. That's just speculation on my part. I guess there's also people who dont because of religious beliefs, though I'm not sure what the belief is or why it keeps them from doing it. Perhaps someone else can explain it.
Incog, I’m like you regarding my immune system. EVERYONE I know who gets the flu shot gets sick . I went with my girlfriend to cvs to accompany her as she got the shot and the needler tried to shame me for never getting a flu shot and now was my golden opportunity to get it from her. I passed. My girlfriend got the bug a couple of weeks later🤧....
almost every medicine you take might have a bad side effect. It goes with the territory. I’d rather not take chances if it means my life. I’d even take a blood transfusion even if could affect my health negatively.
Incognigo Montoya
I avoid taking any medicines. I'll let things run their course and take a day or two, off, if I have to. I rarely take cold medicine, aspirin, pepto, or anything, other than vitamins, or vitamin boosters, such as Airborne or Emergen c. I figure the less chemical I put in my body, the better off I'll be, and if and when I do need it, the more effective it will be at doing it's job.
As far as Btf's go, I've had a couple, due to an emergency situation. Long story I won't get into here, but suffice to say, I came out alive, healthy, unscathed, and completely look at it differently now. If you would like more details, pm me.
Incognigo Montoya
...and yes, it's crazy how certain people shame you for not getting your flu shot. And that's been my experience as well, people I know, getting flu shots, later getting the flu. It's like in the last 10 years it became the thing to do. Suddenly the news started reporting and commenting on it, like it has always been a commonplace thing, kinda like naming winter storms like they're hurricanes. Suddenly, they're doing it like it's always been done, and I'm over here like, wtf, when did this start and why is everyone acting like this is normal now??? Lol
I'm glad I received the polio shots. I was not a child during the MMR vaccinations or flu shots. I had the measles and chicken pox (had the vaccination for shingles (older people 60 and up) as well. I never had mumps (although exposed to it several times) nor the shot for that (needed for adults?). I lived in the day of smallpox and typhoid and traveled to countries (as a child) that had epidemics of both. Forcing people to do it, maybe rather restricting their public access; but how do you do that without invading the medical confidentiality to test whether they or their children have measles. People are contagious long before the present with symptoms. This could be a step in the wrong direction.
BTW i got measles from a jw family who brought their infected children to the meetings (proud of themselves that they were not missing a meeting) and chickenpox from children sent to school by their parents.
A heavy drinker friend of mine who frequents watering holes says drinkers never get majorly sick except liver issues lol because their immune systems are used to germs.
Not for nothing but I had the German measles and the red measles; chicken pox and mumps. There were no vaccines for those diseases then. There was a shot for Polio, but I was home sick that day and never did get it.