MARK- VERY well written and honestly expressed. Your statement, " I live in the now because it's real " is probably in my opinion the most important statement you made in this thread. Keep embracing the here and now, I encourage you to keep reading by educating yourself as to WHAT kind of psychological control we experienced as JW's and HOW the WT Society was able to control us so easily. At that point we are able to forgive ourselves for having been duped and then put the blame on who it should fall on - criminal and unscrupulous WT leaders. You are going through many different changes as we all do once we start peeling back the skin of mind indoctrination we received from a high control organization the WT Society.
Several books that really helped me to move on and understand what I went through in my 44 years of WT indoctrination were 3 of Steve Hassan's books on mind control which I feel is a must read for ANY ex-JW getting out of the cult. His first book is 1. Combatting Cult Mind Control - Book # 2 is Releasing the Bonds- Empowering People to Think For Themselves and Book # 3 - Freedom of Mind - Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs.
As I stated- These books REALLY assisted me to understand the power of mind control and these techniques that the WT Society used to steal away our sanity and freedom of mind where we could not think straight. You will see that we have an authentic personality and like robots being programmed - the WT Society slyly tried to instill a JW cult personality into us - masking or covering over our born in authentic human empathetic personality. So it's a case of us re-embracing our authentic personality once again- which takes effort and retraining our brain neurotransmitters ! Hard work- but it's worth it ! Take care guy- if you ever want to chat on the phone just PM me my friend