And how many cleaners are going to be needed if the economy goes to crap? Businesses that are short on cash are going to let things slide a bit more than normal, or do their own work. Individuals will do their own work or let things go dirty. Demand in this sector is going to be rather wimpy.
There are other things that jokehovian witlesses are generally forbidden, if not absolutely forbidden, from doing. Computer repair is always in demand, and it isn't always tearing things down to replace motherboards, either. Software often gets screwed up. People will look to upgrade or repair instead of replacing computers. This means getting new hard drives (with their own Windows 7 CDs) instead of buying a new Windows 10 computer. This means upgrading the RAM to max it out. This means learning how to use Spybot and BitDefender to best advantage, as well as Malwarebytes. Yet, most jokehovians will never be able to do that.
Another thing, which is absolutely forbidden to jokehovians, is astrology. There is significant demand for astrology readings, and a good reading by someone that knows what they are doing is going to cost between 75 and 200 toilet papers. Services that do chart only readings can run as much as 20 toilet papers (that is a ripoff because there are free software programs that can do this in a second, for free). It's interpreting this natal chart, along with aspects of current planetary transits relative to the natal chart, that is very difficult and can take a week or more to interpret. How many jokehovians even dare getting involved with this?
There may be "nutritionalists" among jokehovians. But, how many do more than sell products from some MLM that determines the products they sell? Not very. I found that, in today's allopathic world, you need to be an amateur nutritionalist. As such, and just online research, I have found that about 90% of people are deficient in magnesium, rendering them vulnerable to all sorts of problems. Boron and iodine are essential to remove fluoride from the pineal gland, which uses cholesterol to create hormones and connect you to the astral. (Hence, reducing cholesterol backup.) How many jokehovians have even that knowledge, let alone what is good for the liver, kidneys, heart, and everything else? Probably not those that are pushing Herbalife or Agway crap.