Depressed beyond Words...

by Shytears 31 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ikhandi

    Babygirl I feel your pain. At one point in my life I went throug a similar situation just like yourself. It pains me to even think of it. Please email me if you want to talk [email protected]


  • Mystery

    shytears -
    I know this is a few weeks after your post but...

    Reach out before doing anything like that again, like you did this time.

    I am not raising my son as a JW. I faded 20 years ago. You are 16, my son will soon be 15. He OD'd in Jan. I admitted him into a hospital after that.

    He stayed about 4 weeks. He still gets extremly depressed at times. We have him under medical care right now.

    Becoming an adult is hard enough to deal with, but you have an added weight of wanting out of the Borg. If you want to talk with someone closer to your age, I am sure my son would talk/email you. I have a toll free phone number - due to my business - I would be glad to give it to you. Email - [email protected] and I will give it to you, who knows maybe you live just around the corner? You can call anytime - day or night.

    Everyone is right you do have so much to live for. Like most here, I did not want to live after realizing the "truth" was the "lie" instead. But we have survived it. You can too.

    Please do as suggested. Get your GPA as close to 4.0 as possible. Go and talk with the school counselor, tell her you want/need to get a scholarship due to your parents not supporting you in your desire to go to college. Babysit, mow lawns, pick up cans do anything you can to save money. Sit down and write down your goals. Write them - it makes them more real. Write the reason that you can NOT acomplish them. Now WRITE HOW YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH THEM. Ask for help in finding scholarships - i am sure a lot of people on here know how to find them on the web. We can help you get out - but you have to want to.

    So are you going to just give up? or LIVE?

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