Unfortunately, these two goofy people almost make the JW Cult Leaders look normal.
Anyone Watch Dr Phil Show today?
by zophar 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Only having seen a small clip I can't say too much beyond this ...
The target audience I guess are the - hem-hem - lower end of the social scale, yes? Therefore the current type that today's WT peddlers might actually have some success with. (Broken, needy, gullible, non-thinkers - to give them a broad brush.)
If they watch and avoid then great!
Not really being too snooty here as it's the sort of thing people like me laugh at but if home sick on an afternoon will watch anyway to feel better about myself!
They are bringing reproach to the Apostate Community!!
I think they still would have issues even if they wernt witnessses
There is a judicial committee being formed as we speak for bringing reproach on the organization
I watched most of this show. The couple annoyed me because obviously something is wrong in their home!
I am glad this program aired though because it shows the public all is not well in the JW religion. I was glad for the tie-in with that ex-JW guy and the ex-JW woman who spoke at the end. Troubled Witnesses watching the show should know there are places they can turn to for help and advice!