I watched some Wendi Renay youtube videos. The former elder who was being interviewed mentioned a couple of things I noted. I would like to know what your reactions were at the time you learned what I am going to relate if you had the same or kindred experience.
One thing he mentioned was the circuit overseer told them ( the elders ) that they were the angels in the congregations. Did this happen to you? How did it make you feel? Did it make you feel superior to the rest of the brothers and sisters? Did you think about it? Did you agree with it? If you didn't agree with it, what did you do about it? How do you feel/ think about it now verses then?Anything else you want to add.
The other thing I noted was what he related they were taught in Elder's school: The Bible was written for the anointed-the only way the rest of the world gets salvation is by their relationship with the anointed. ( I think I got that right -and he may be reading this for all I know and correct me if I misrepresented anything he said. ) So if you were taught this in Elder school, How did it make you feel? Did you think about it? Did you agree with it? If you didn't agree with it, what did you do about it? If you did agree with it, how would you have explained it to the sheep you were supposed to be sheparding? How do you think about it now verses then? Anything else you want to add ( "enquiring minds want to know.")