As a kid being forced to wear an assembly badge. Then being stood at a bus stop waiting for the bus to Twickenham assembly as my school pals walked by gawping at my badge.
Boy that brings back memories. It wasn't only for assemblies. We generally would walk to meetings, and I recall as a kid, walking out of my house dressed up with my bag to go to meetings, walking by the group of other kids i knew playing outside, while they looked at me with a puzzled expression on their faces.
Or even worse, getting paired with some brother who just happens to be assigned a territory where you live, and now having to go door to door in streets where you are easily recognized. It was just terrible.
Somehow I was lucky with the lapel cards, because I always found a way to forget them, or have it in my pocked until we go to the convention hall. Also we usually left to the convention pretty early, and so there weren't really any people outside on the weekends.