Amen has a valid question here, and it is certainly an "easier-said-than-done" thing. Especially, if like Amen, you work with other JWs, or have close ties with many in your congregation, or have JW family members.
We call it the "Witness Relocation Program" and make jokes about it, as it seems almost impossible to do. They will call, come by your house, call you at work unannounced, come by your house (on Saturday, or when you least expect it), call, stop by your office to start a 'more friendly than usual' conversation, call your house, chase you down at the grocery store, or who-knows-where-else... you get the point.
I think street gangs are easier to leave than the Society. We have more or less decided that the only way to do this successfully is:
a)slowly stop attending more and more meetings, til you are almost never there, then stop attending altogether (the 'fade to black' plan), or
b) move to another town/state/country, or
c) start acting like you are mentally ill and call all the elders at ungodly hours of the night telling them that you need so ridiculous thing, or that no one understands you, so that they think you are nuts and then are glad that you are gone and when you don't show up anymore, so they won't dare track you down, or
d) hire a good attorney to send them a letter to leave you the hell alone or you will sue them.
There are even two books on this topic on Amazon, believe it or not,,,
Anyone else got any ideas?