Does anyone have access to the leaked copy of the annual meeting? Because on part 2 (released as the Feb. 2022 monthly program) there is a piece cut out at the 1:30:20 mark.
Bit cut from annual meeting
by neat blue dog 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
neat blue dog:
You are talking about the 2021 Annual Meeting, right? I'll check the 1:30:20 mark and see who is giving the talk.
neat blue dog
Yes it's during Sam Herd's talk.
I'll just get you a link for the entire Annual Meeting and you, can fast forward to check what you are looking for.
I'll be back in a few minutes.
Here you go!
I think Sam Herd gives his talk at 3 hours and 20 minutes.
Atlantis! -
neat blue dog
Found it. At about 3:41:00 in the full version, after he says that the anointed are not the leaders of JWs, he says
'we get letters from little children like we're something, (scoffing tone) "the governing body". . . (mocking tone) "you oughta write the governing body honey!" and they do, they draw pictures of us . . . but they mean well'
Wow that's a pity because Sam Herd was at least showing some humility in that part. He was kinda saying "who are we to be looked up to? Just humans!"
Actually made me laugh when he said the parents tell the kids to do drawings of them and he's like "and they do....Good God!....but they mean well"😳😆
Weren't there other changes in the "final product" as well?
I think I remember reading something about Morris' concluding talk, about how he contradicted Lett in particular regarding how soon Armageddon is thought to be coming.
If you watch closely, you can sometimes see where cuts were made - the image "jumps" too quickly, the speaker's head changes position unnaturally before vs. after the cut.
road to nowhere
It is all conspiracy theories. They edited for time. Just like they rewrote literature to keep the pages neat.
I swear a few talks have a photo shopped head on a trim body instead of the corpulent reality.
St George of England
I really didn't like Herd's comment at all. I thought it was sarcastic and patronising. You really should not speak like that to the people who are feeding, clothing and housing you in style!