There are a number of things I find that defy logic when it come to Watchtower religion.
Here is a list...please feel free to add/subtract from it
a. Blood Prohibitions:
-plasma...when all components of plasma being acceptable to the Society.
-White blood cells...when millions are found in mothers milk, and are transferred in organ transplants
-storing blood... when JWs allow their blood to be stored in tubes for testing but will not allow blood to be stored otherwise.
-donating blood... when JWs can use fractions of blood donated and stored by non-JWs.
b. Claim that less than 120,000 faithful Christians existed prior to the 20th century ....when allegedly 7 million were martyred during the first 3 centuries of the common era alone.
c. Claim that the religion of JWs is biblical...when its foundations are completely based on speculation involving dates and places not found in scripture.
d. Claiming unique ability to interpret scripture...when interpretation of prophecy has been 100% wrong for over 130 years.
e. Claiming unique direction from Jehovah...when JW lives have been endangered and lost due to medical prohibitions which are no longer applied.