Hey, first time posting!!

by Harry-Crapper 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Harry-Crapper

    Hello everyone, this is my first time posting. I'm not a JW but my wife was (is) whatever, and I wanted to get the skinny from you guys. We dont really have issues between the two of us but quite honestly I havent seen anything to make me feel like this is really the "truth." I guess the biggest issue I have is: why change the Bible?


  • gumby

    Hey ya damn crapper.....welcome!

    I guess the biggest issue I have is: why change the Bible?

    Good question harry. The problem is the bible is written in such a way that people feel justified in how they interpret it. Everyone who follows this book can use it as a reason for why they believe the way they do.

    By you spending a little time here and reading various posts you will learn some things you never knew.....that is unless you already know everything as I do

    Nice to have you and take care,


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy Harry and Welcome!!

  • Gamaliel

    Welcome. Sounds like your wife might not be taking it too seriously. That's a good thing, because there is plenty to learn about the JWs that most JWs don't know. But you have to tread carefully on the negative stuff, because JWs seem to get very defensive to the point of ignoring you for life, if you try to make them think they might be wrong.

    As far as changing the Bible, they'll swear on the Bible that they didn't. (Well actually they tend not to swear, especially on Bibles, as you might already know.) They believe they fixed the Bible. It's not really a terribly big change, but they have a few of their own ideas that work out a lot better with their own slant. Truth is, though, there's lots of different translations of the Bible, and theirs is just one more out of hundreds. It's not all good, and not all bad. What's worse is most of the stuff they make up that isn't even their own Bible.

    Anyway, glad you stopped in. Any questions, specific or general, there's sure to someone ready to give an answer.


  • Brummie

    Hello Harry-Crap

    Hope your wife will join us on here one day too

    Welcome aboard


  • Harry-Crapper

    Thanks for the responses. Every time I ask all I hear is "only words like thou was changed to the" and "Jehovahs name was put back in." But, I've found a lot more then that like: hell-ghenna, church-congregation, cross-stake, and that's just the beginning. I have read in the Bible that things should not be taken away from or added to..........what am I missing?

  • Brummie
    what am I missing?

    Your missing a Governing body that has no respect for the Bible at all.

  • kls

    Hi ya Harry, you have just entered the ( we know more about jws then most jws do )land.You have entered the information highway, sit back and enjoy. ( safty belts not required) WELCOME kls

  • Gamaliel

    Those are good questions. JWs used to use other Bibles but they have a lot of peculliar beliefs about how the Bible should be translated. It's tough to try to argue that their translation is wrong because there's almost always at least one other Bible translation out there that pretty much matches their own for almost any verse in question. There are a few "doozies" you may not have run across yet.

    only words like thou was changed to the" and "Jehovahs name was put back in." But, I've found a lot more then that like: hell-ghenna, church-congregation, cross-stake, and that's just the beginning.

    They did change the thou and thy and those -est words as in "Ye makest thine ..." Can't complain about some of it, but just because it's in more modern English doesn't necessarily make it more accurate. They also put in Jehovah wherever the letters YHWH were found in the Old Testament, and then they added it for hardly any good reason at all to a few places in the New Testament. No other translations do that to the NT but a few do it in the OT (Jehovah, Yahve, Jahveh, or Yahweh).

    They don't like the common beliefs about Hell, so they translate the separate words and then have teachings that specify why each of those words doesn't mean what most people believe it means. Church to congregation is not uncommon in other translations. Cross to stake is probably a mis-stake which they have much less backing for than some of their other changes.


  • ring

    hello harry, welcome to JWD


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