I was raised JW. I'm almost 42 (Birthday-April 8th!!!! YEAH!!!!!!) and my parents and only sibling (sister-15 years older than me) are still strong in the organization. There was always one question I wanted to ask.....but was afraid to. You know....afraid because I just didn't want to subject myself to the L-O-N-G lecture that would follow my question. :o)
Anyway, where in the heck do the JWs come up with the idea that is was a Stake and not a Cross that Christ was crucified on? I have been asked so many times by other people (knowing that my ignorant-self was raised JW) where does the idea of the "Stake vs. Cross" come from? Where does the Society get this stuff???? I remember a bit from my youth....I was told that the Romans weren't even using the cross at that time, it was a straight stake, but I would love to find out WHERE to find this out for myself. Go figure........I think it would be cool to prove to myself that family is wrong on this point. (yeah, I know they are wrong on LOTS of points, but let's not go there right now. LOL)
Thanks in advance for everyone's input! ~Bobbi