Just wondering if anyone thinks this war has any implications for the future? Does anyone know what will happen next?
Is the war in Iraq prophetic?
by Rick_A 14 Replies latest jw friends
We will all live happily ever after......the end.
Is the war prophetic? Why of course not. Life goes on. Sometimes there is war. Sometimes there is peace. Sometimes there are good times. Sometimes there are bad times. Some people die young. Some people live long. It is life as we know it. It is just the way it is. As Bob Dylan wrote and sang, "it's all right Ma, it's life and life only."
Do you think the 1st WW was prophetic? 2nd WW? Gulf? Falklands? Horishma? 9/11? Afghanistan? Kosovo? Vietnam? .....
Its hard to know whats prophetic sometimes isnt it?
BTW Welcome aboard Rick_A, how about starting an new thread introducing yourself?
well said brummie
The only thing that I know about war and prophecy is that Jesus did say in the famous Matt.24 that there would be wars and reports of wars and that we should not be frightened. He said that these things must happen BUT the end is NOT yet.
As far as the King of the North and South in Daniel, I certainly have no idea who they are. They are everchanging kings as far at the wt teaches. Flip flopping just like everything thing else that they teach. My sister (jw) informed me last night that " this is IT. The time is at hand"........ I suppose that as long as the witnesses continue to teach that the time is now...........eventually they will be on time..........never mind about all the other false alarms.............and never mind about the time they taught about the communists being the King of the North........
There is another way viewing the war in Iraq that may be more productive. While an event may not be specifically predicted it still may be "Biblically Significant".
Is the war in Iraq Biblically Significant? I think it is. It further establishes the fact that the USA is Babylon The Great. The USA is arrogantly exercising its hegmony over the earth. It has a "kingodm over the kings of the earth". By threatening to withold "monetary" favors it has been trying to get customers to share in her fornication.
William Penwell
Just ask Pat Roberston or Jerry Falwell.
Proplog2, Hey email me and I get you a great price on a ONE way ticket to Iraw, since you think the U.S. is so bad. Those poor boys are over there being tortured and loosing their lives so that you can speak you mind and say bad things about the Country they fight for.