I want Clay to win!!!!!! 2nd is Ruben then Kimberly L.
Tryence prob has the best female vocals but she annoyes the hell out of me for some reason.
The other Kimberly is great on stage, she's adorable has a great figure and plays to the crowd, but she's not gonna get it.
Coreys funny and he's likable but his voice just isn't there.
Ricky's voice I can't stand, there's like an Arron Nevil Quality to it and it drives me up a wall, I know he prob has a great voice, but I just can't take it.
I think Carmen s adorable she's the perkiest person, and reminds me of a friend back home, she won't make it, but she needs to go country!!!
I don't think Josh is really in a postition to be 'American Idol' not only his family but his carreer, I don't see him being able to fulfilll his responsibilities. He has a wonderful voice, but now he's gone country (sad) hehee.
I thought Juilia was in the top 3 perfomers last week she did a great job, but she'd escaped that place several times. She really took it well, and I think she was by far the prettiest girl up there, had a real presense about her. Her flashdance performance was aweful though=she wasn't into it at all. But I really liked her.