Would Watchtower Ever Risk Setting Another Date

by Number 6 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Number 6
    Number 6

    There was a 50 year gap between the failed dates of 1925 and 1975.

    Memories fade, people die, and who cares what was said 50 years ago.

    Most JW's now in the religion werent there when 1975 was a thing. Even my mother who was baptized in 1974 who I do remember speaking about it back in the day, can barely remember what the fuss was about. For active JW's who are doing all there studying online now, its practically impossible to find any WT contemporary reference to 1975.

    i read recently (sorry I cant source it right now) that at the time, even Watchtower may have taken the view that even if they knew 1975 was wrong, the short term gains would far outstrip those who left leading to an overall net gain so it was a risk worth taking. I have been doing a bit of research lately into the 1975 prediction, and there is no doubt it spurred on activity and was a massive shot in the arm to WT at the time.

    So... nearly 50 years on after 1975, do you think they would try it again. Short term boost in numbers, get them in and captive, those that woudl leave arent worth having anyway?

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Another date? Why not? There's one born every minute.

    Two days after they disfellowshipped me for sticking to the words of the prophet Daniel (I held the view that the number 3 actually meant the number 3) they went off and had a congregation party and they put on their version of the Greatest Showman. Barnum. It was Barnum who said there's one born every minute.

    Also has it ever occured to you that in their world 1975 might be 1000 years long?

  • slimboyfat

    I doubt it. They would get hammered on the Internet these days. There would be a humiliating worldwide countdown to “Jehovah’s Witnesses get proved wrong again in 2034”. They were already self conscious about making an ambiguous prediction for 1975. The factors that inhibited them then have grown exponentially, such as widespread scrutiny and documentation of their current statements, and comparisons with their past track record.

    ... unless something goes terribly wrong in the world—apocalypticism goes mainstream because of war or widespread disorder—they may throw their hat into the ring, either cynically, or through genuine fear, and expectation of deliverance. In that case I can imagine they may resort to a “salvation by 2034” or some such message, as a Hail Mary pass.

    The year 2034 makes the best sense because, as they’ve already hinted, it could follow the Noah pattern of 120 years from 1914, the “days of Noah” and the “last days” being equivalent. It’s also the extreme limit of a “generation” if a lifespan is counted as 120 years at the very most.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    Would WT ever risk setting another date?

    I doubt it...unless they can come up with a slogan to replace..."Stay alive til '75"!

    Oh wait...

    🎶"Soon you'll adore '34"!🎶

  • phoenixrising

    I would have said no but after seeing Lett going off the rails when Covid started I would not bet they would not.

  • truth_b_known
    I highly doubt it. They even had to redo the Awake! tagline about this system ending before the 20th century ends. All will get is 31 flavors of "The last, of the last, of the final part, of the last days."
  • Vidiot

    Funny thing about apocalyptic end-time groups...

    ...historically they kinda have to occasionally date-set to drum up zeal amongst the membership.


    Problem with the WTS is that by now, they've done it so many times that the tactic is long past its sell-by date...

    ...trying it this late in the game would undermine their credibility more than produce the desired result.

  • Vidiot
    phoenixrising - "...seeing Lett going off the rails when Covid started..."

    Video link?

  • Vidiot
    Number 6 - "...I read recently (sorry I cant source it right now) that at the time, even Watchtower may have taken the view that even if they knew 1975 was wrong, the short term gains would far outstrip those who left leading to an overall net gain so it was a risk worth taking..."

    Ray Franz said as much in Crisis of Conscience.

    Typical Wall Street-style business mindset...

    ...the membership is a resource first, and flesh-and-blood people a distant second.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Someone will come up with the link to GB member Lett going off the rails regarding Covid-19. But here's what he actually said...if you can believe it:

    "The events unfolding around us are making clearer than ever that we're living in the final part of the last days...undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days...shortly before the last day of the last days."

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