The real reason for daylight savings is so you can have an extra hour at the beach after work!
Daylight Saving ends tonite in the land of Oz
by ozziepost 16 Replies latest forum announcements
Neon, look at the date of the first posts in this thread.
Of course we change our clocks on a early Sunday morning! What country would change their clocks midweek??
Our clocks went forward, I love this time of year, it's like that Friday night feeling except you know you've got the whole of Summer to look forward to.
Neon, look at the date of the first posts in this thread.
Of course we change our clocks on a early Sunday morning! What country would change their clocks midweek??OOPS!!
I've never heard a satisfactory reason for Daylight Savings Time (it doesn't save daylight, it just moves it around). Does anybody know of one?
I had always heard that it was instituted in the US during WW2, because so much factory help was needed to produce munitions, and many of the potential male workforce was overseas actually fighting the war. So the farm workers would work in the factories during the day, and then still have the extra hour at night to do their farm work. But then, Sentinel says it wasn't instituted for the farmers, so I don't know. I also remember during the energy crisis of the 1970's, one of the measures President Nixon put into place was extending DST into the winter months. However, as the days got shorter, school children were out waiting for their buses in the dark before dawn, and the ruling was reversed after only a few weeks to protect the kids. Don't know whether that supplies any kind of rationale for having DST (not really, since DST is in the summer months when the days are long anyway), but I happened to think of it while typing this, so there you go.
Now there's a thought! How would it be if we DID change our clocks midweek?? Would it give us less time at work?
I've never heard a satisfactory reason for Daylight Savings Time (it doesn't save daylight, it just moves it around). Does anybody know of one?
staying on the golf course for an extra hour on weeknights is reason enough for me. aa