I hope to see you around soon!!!!!!
PFC District Overbeer
by rebel 27 Replies latest jw friends
I hope to see you around soon!!!!!!
PFC District Overbeer
If having integrity, being genuine and following your heart is being the "lowest of the low", then so be it. JamesT
Change your name from Rebel. And keep posting. I'll just be damned if I would hide something I wanted to do in my own home. My second wife tried that, so that I felt like I had to hide something I wanted to do in my own home and I divorced the bitch.
How old are you? Maybe we should talk?
Uh oh, time to go underground!! It's too bad you aren't "allowed" to think for yourself. You might make a decision on your own. I'll tell you what my first one would be,
AS IF anyone is the lowest of the low!!
It's too bad you aren't "allowed" to think for yourselfWell said! In essence you are allowed to think for yourself........just don't let anyone know what you are thinking. That is a true sign of a cult. Freedom of expression that differ from the leader/s is NOT ALLOWED. In other Christian churches this applies to a lesser degree......but is still true. Try making a comment in the front of a church that you do not believe in a Trinity..........and how do you suppose this would set with the people?
I remember when I first entered a Christian bookstore upon exiting the dubs,...........and I shook like a leaf. Thats bondage.
For any organisation to force a belief on you and impose penalties if you fail, is taking away a godgiven freedom.
Here is the information from the Revelation Book I told you about.
(the cd didn't have a picture, but the picture described their feelings on this the best)
The Final Test
By the end of the Thousand Year Reign, all earth will have come to resemble the original Eden. It will be a veritable paradise. Perfect mankind will no longer need a high priest to intercede for it before God, since all traces of Adamic sin will have been removed and the last enemy, death, brought to nothing. Christ’s Kingdom will have achieved God’s purpose to create one world with one government. At this point, Jesus "hands over the kingdom to his God and Father."—1 Corinthians 15:22-26; Romans 15:12.
It is now time for a final test. Will that perfected world of mankind, in contrast with the first humans in Eden, stand firm in its integrity? John tells us what happens: "Now as soon as the thousand years have been ended, Satan will be let loose out of his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea. And they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city."—Revelation 20:7-9a.
How will Satan’s last effort fare? He deceives "those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog," and leads them to "the war." Who could possibly side with Satan after a thousand years of joyful, upbuilding theocratic rule? Well, do not forget that Satan was able to mislead the perfect Adam and Eve while they were enjoying life in the Paradise of Eden. And he was able to lead astray heavenly angels who had seen the bad results of the original rebellion. (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6) So we should not be surprised that some perfect humans will be enticed to follow Satan even after a delightful thousand years of rule by God’s Kingdom.
The Bible calls these rebels "nations in the four corners of the earth." This does not mean that mankind will have been divided once again into mutually exclusive national entities. It merely indicates that these will separate themselves from Jehovah’s righteous, loyal ones and manifest the same bad spirit that the nations show today. They will "think up an injurious scheme," as did the Gog of Magog in Ezekiel’s prophecy, with a goal of destroying theocratic government on earth. (Ezekiel 38:3, 10-12) Hence, they are called "Gog and Magog."
The number of those who join Satan in his revolt will be "as the sand of the sea." How many is that? There is no foreordained number. (Compare Joshua 11:4; Judges 7:12.) The final total number of rebels will depend on how each individual reacts to Satan’s deceptive wiles. Doubtless, though, there will be a considerable number, since they will feel strong enough to overcome "the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city."
"The beloved city" must be the city that is spoken of by the glorified Jesus Christ to his followers at Revelation 3:12 and that he calls "the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which descends out of heaven from my God." Since this is a heavenly organization, how could those earthly forces ‘encircle’ it? In that they encircle "the camp of the holy ones." A camp is outside a city; therefore, "the camp of the holy ones" must represent those on earth outside the heavenly location of New Jerusalem who loyally support Jehovah’s governmental arrangement. When the rebels under Satan attack those faithful ones, the Lord Jesus regards it as an assault on him. (Matthew 25:40, 45) "Those nations" will try to wipe out all that the heavenly New Jerusalem has accomplished in making earth a paradise. So in attacking "the camp of the holy ones," they are also attacking "the beloved city."
Woops! Delete my post before this one......wrong thread. Sorry
You have our number, call when you can.
Thank you so much for your nice words.
Mrs Nightwarrior
Hi Rebel,
I agree with Gumlaw and Outby and everyone else. If you’re the lowest of the low then your husband’s a sewer rat – and the person who dobbed you in is faecal material, so they belong together!
I don’t know if you’re even able to read the comments here but, if so, if you need to talk you can e-mail me and I’ll send my ‘phone number. You can chat to Claire (Physio).
Hang in there, Rebel. You don’t need that garbage, you are deserving of MUCH better things.
Under the circumstances, changing your alias is the best idea as you never know who may read any further posts you make.
Mr. & Mrs. Nightwarrior have my ‘phone number if you speak to them again. And I agree, they are a hard act to beat!
Ian (Dansk)
Regardless of what my hubby felt.I wouldn't let him treat me in that manner...telling me I was the lowest of the low! I would tell him I'm sorry and I love you,but this is what I believe and your going to have to deal with it.
I'm sorry he is making you feel this way.Take care and we will be awaiting your return.