Anyone else visit JDUB'S Brewery?
by moomanchu 13 Replies latest jw friends
neat blue dog
Is this just a coincidence?? 😱
My Name is of No Consequence
How fitting. Many dubs have a problem with alcohol anyway.
I would like to visit - Where is this wonderful paradisiac location?
This must be what they meant when describing the spiritual paradise.
It's in Florida. It would be more appropriate in PA or NY. lol
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
On a side note: I didn't know you could buy Kool-Aid by the barrel.
Wing commander, what part of Fla? I plan to visit Fla soon.I hope they have glasses with their logo on it for sale. I will so buy a few if they do.
Pete Zahut
Here's their story
A link to their merchandise