Hey SS,
I see you decided to drag your but out of bed this mornin eh?
by Brummie 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hey SS,
I see you decided to drag your but out of bed this mornin eh?
It must be that spring is finally in the air, here in the great white north.
I believe the Bible is referring to Nebuchadnezzer's Babylon which is in Iraq as Saint Satan has pointed out. Saddam Hussein has been rebuilding that city since he took power in 1979. There are supposed orders on clay tablets written by Nebuchadnezzer or one of his top associates to rebuild Babylon when/if it got destroyed. Saddam Hussein refers to Nebuchadnezzer as a fellow Arab so he is not sparing any expense to build the city even though it contains pagan idols and such which totally goes against the Muslim religion.
THere was another thread similar to this. Here is what I think:
REV 17:6 I saw that the woman (BTG) was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.
When I saw her, I was greatly astonished.
This verse is the one that makes it hard for me to accept that BTG is the USA. Can you show me that the USA, more than any other nation, qualifies this way? I'm not being rhetorical. Whenever I wonder to myself if the USA fills this description (due to its economic position), I always come up against this verse, and decide that, if it IS the USA, it isn't right now. But if the USA starts to massacre Christians, then yes, it looks more likely.
I think that it is still too early to make calls on this. I remember reading that Kissinger, Nixon, Eisenhower, Hitler, Stalin, the Pope, etc., all being named the anti-christ in the past century. As time rolls on, people move on to the next political target.
The past 100 years have brought so many changes, so fast. If the US has an economic slow-down, and another country picks up the pace and replaces the US in economic strength (yes, it can happen!), who's to say that it wouldn't be a country that has such strong communism, fascism, or anti-Christian zealotry that things really swing in a way we could never expect right now.
There is persecution going on in Islamic countries against Christians and other non-Muslim citizens. It used to be that communism persecuted the most Christians world-wide. It is now Islam. Governmental policies of Islamic governments prohibit proseltyzation of Muslims. Some permit arrest and even execution of converts and their converters. I'm not trying to make anyone angry, and I recognize that sometimes Christians fight back! But I think that as some of these countries are growing richer and stronger, one of these is more likely, in the future, to fully typify BTG.
I think that our tendency is so strong to just "figure it all out" with what's at hand, we can get close, but still get it wrong. 2+2=5 is not correct, but it is a more correct answer than 2+2=10. Even so, it is still not correct, and shouldn't be made dogma.
BTW, who's collecting all the 2 cents that everyone here keeps giving out?
This belief is also being pushed by false prophets like Jack Van Imp, he also claimed that Osma was the Anti-Christ shortly after 9/11
Jack Van Imp is an idiot. Osama Bin Laden the antichrist ? Um, thanks for that.
Hey Brummie,
Proplog and others who believe that the US is BabylonThe Great, you have got to be kidding me? The scripture gives the warning: "Get out of her my people if you do not want to share with her in her sins and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.
First of all consider the logistical nightmare of fleeing the geographic locale of the US. How absurd! 290 million people or thereabouts are going to have to get out of the US. I sure hope the Canadians and/or the Mexicans will be understanding when millions of nut jobs come streaming to their borders to get out of that rascally Babylon The Great that we all know and loved called the US.
Since the scriptures doesn't say explicitly who Babylon The Great is, how can anyone speculate? And I don't buy the process of elimination theory to determine who Babylon The Great is. If God doesn't say unequivocally who Babylon is, then maybe it is not the time for the understanding of this to be revealed yet.
Mr. Shakita
If God doesn't say unequivocally who Babylon is, then maybe it is not the time for the understanding of this to be revealed yet.
Why not simply accept the fact that the bible is a bunch of lying bullshit and that will answer all your questions.
I get so damn pissed at people try to figure out a book their dad wrote yet dad is such an asshole he doesn't explain any of what he wrote to his children . Instead he evidently gets a kick out of watching his children live in confusion. I say hang the bastard!
Mr. Shakita I am with you on this! People overlook the obsurdness of this teaching in order to make it fit with their cultic belief!
Iron, Jack Van Impe was teaching that the day after 9/11! I have him saying it on tape, shows that he is a tabloid prophet, dont know how anyone can listen to these people.
bebu, cool post!
Thanks everyone else, I agree with you Chap & SS, it is in the vicinity of Iraq, the bible isnt so confusing, its just peoples interpretation.
gumby, you crack me up, you are just being a bastard for being a bastards sake...lol
i thought the US was the Great Satan.
Now we ARE getting down to interpreting things more accurately, Jack Van Imp has got nothing on us huh.