What do you think about offerings or collection plates being passed at Church's? I sometimes go to this Christian Church and they pass a plate. Being raised a Witness, I sometimes get a weird feeling that they are doing something wrong and it bothers me? Am I just being judgemental since this is a way to fund the Church and after all I am there, or is passing the plate a sign that the Church is not right? Is it just years of reading the Watchtower knock any religion and how other religions collect money? Help me with this please. I really enjoy this Church at times.
Offerings at Christian Church's
by goofy 16 Replies latest jw friends
i sometimes get the same feeling in the church i attend. it is something so alien to jw.
it helped in reading acts, to see that the apostles were supported by contributions of believers.
it is a long entrenched custom, and really a small issue i think. i have never felt that i was being watched to see what i was contributing. no one really pays any attention.
this is a way to fund the Church and after all I am there
That sounds about right to me, its just a funding collection. I would watch out for churches that claim if you give God 10% then God will give you 100% back....(these are dodgy). BTW JWs do have collections more so than most churches. They have collections for travelling speakers too.
It you feel like you have benifited from your experience at that church that day and you feel lead to you should support the Church financialy so that the Church and it's ministers can continue to help you and others like you. When the plate is passed it should never be about the money. You should never feel wierd or guilty if you choose not to give. Giving is not required. Brummie got it right about it not be a requirment (no 10%). It is a custom at the Church that I attend to at least take the collection, place your hand over it and pray that it is used for GOD's work even if you choose not to put any money in it. I pray for the collection everytime it passes through my hands. I do give at my Church freely and willingly but not every Sunday. I like the feeling I get when I give because I believe that my financial support will help others like me. I would not feel guilty if I did not give though. It is not about the Money it is about believing in a ministry and your desire to keep it going.
It is not about the Money it is about believing in a ministry and your desire to keep it going.
Very well put. At churches and conferences I visit, the collection is taken as a serious component of one's worship, so here in Oz they are usually referred to as "offerings" or "offertory".
Cheers, Ozzie
I don't have a problem with the "plate" being passed around. Just don't look at me weird if I choose not to put any money in there.
What do you think about offerings or collection plates being passed at Church's? I sometimes go to this Christian Church and they pass a plate.
The real reason why churches exist. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Just don't look at me weird if I choose not to put any money in there.
I used to attend a Unitarian Universalist church, where the collection plate is passed without shyness or apology, but...
First-time visitors are told, from the pulpit, that they were guests of the church, and that they did not need to contribute.
First-time visitors are told, from the pulpit, that they were guests of the church, and that they did not need to contribute.
I've seen that in a lot of different churches. They usually ask you to fill out a visitor's card so they can send you an introductory letter, and they emphasize that the card is all you need to put into the plate.
They usually ask you to fill out a visitor's card so they can send you an introductory letter, and they emphasize that the card is all you need to put into the plate.
The fact that it is compulsory for everyone else is what is really corrupt. I'd rather pay for my cable than some windbag pushing his murderer-God.