Armageddon SOON!!!!

by PopeOfEruke 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • PopeOfEruke

    Erich : I agree with you, it IS total nonsense and rubbish! I really can't understand how people who claim to have a brain can be a Jehovahs Witness and believe in this rubbish.

    Nathan : I remind him frequently! Its a wonder he still talks to me actually!


  • DFWnonJW

    I recently ran across a book called "Longing For The End - A history of millenialism in western civilization" by Frederic Baumgartner. I find it very interesting since it shows how for two thousand+ years there have been wackos all too eager to interpret virtually any 'current' event as the prelude to "The End". And for so many years I thought that only the jws had such a view. Leave the WT, live, read and learn.

    How can people believe?
    "Mundus vult decipi, decipiatur ergo" (The world wants to be decieved, decieve it)


    That soon huh? you think it'd be OK to use the bathroom first?


  • lulu

    Pope ofEruke:

    Where did you get the information of CO's having their own bankk account for computer, printers etc. Before we were da'd we were asked at our local KH to contribute towards a Lap top for the CO which we all did!! Very interested in this point as it raised a lot of questions at the time.

  • LDH

    Two things on this post have made me burst out laughing.

    1. Ed, I'm goin' with the Semtex, dude.

    2. LAPTOPS for CO's? Are you shitting me? LOL, do they upload their little tattletale reports directly to headquarters now, rather than sending paper reports at the end of the week. Please tell me this is a joke, first the COs get new cars and now LAPTOPS?????

    What young MS wouldn't lust after such prestige and power?

    Oh this is too much. Thanks Pope, for starting this thread.


    Incredulous Class

  • PopeOfEruke

    Hi Lulu

    well, I know that the "circuit", not the circuit overseer, has its own money and bank account, at least when I was still a JW. All the equipment used at Circuit assemblies like amplifiers, speakers, lights, cooking stuff etc was all owned by the "circuit". I guess it is set up as some sort of legal entity?

    Anyway I know CO's who bought themselves a PC from the funds of the circuit. This was before laptops but I wouldn't be surprised if some CO's buy themselves a laptop on the funds of the "circuit".


  • NeonMadman
    Anyway I know CO's who bought themselves a PC from the funds of the circuit. This was before laptops but I wouldn't be surprised if some CO's buy themselves a laptop on the funds of the "circuit".

    Actually, that doesn't seem inappropriate to me. As much as we may disapprove of what the JW's (and particularly the CO's) do, it is their job, and they should be provided with the tools they need to do their job at the expense of the "company," not out of their own pocket. If a Catholic bishop or a Protestant pastor needs a computer, certainly the expense will come out of church funds. Why should it be any different with the CO? Other clergymen get a salary, too, and that is Biblically appropriate according to 1 Cor. 9. If the JW's have to pay reasonable expenses for their non-salaried CO's, I think they're still getting a bargain (financially, if not spiritually).

  • SloBoy

    Yeah, I remember our elder bookstudy conductor telling us in the fall of ' 99 that there were just "a few" weeks left of this old system. The Dubs have had they're shot at being "true prophets" and have failed miserably.

  • Valis

    Um...Pope...surely a popoe of your stature could just jehover or Jebus on the phone and ask if they would firm up a date and get back to you...I sure these guys have better things to do anyway.. It is even more sickening when they try to explain this to kids....It not even pleasant to think on.


    District Ovebeer

  • blacksheep

    So, going from admitted faulty memory (I've been out n'free for nearly 17 years), seems to me, if the war with Iraq is the initiator of Armageddon, then we've got to see a) a cry of "peace and security", b) the UN turning on world religion and agressively promoting its fall, *especially* that of Christendom (let's see, what religion is JWBush??), and generally a handful of other prerequisites.

    Basically, LOTS of changes must occur for that interesting JW prediction to occur.

    Sounds like opportunistic dreaming. My mom also thought when the pope was shot about 20 years ago, this was the start of the "great tribulation." LOL. Whatever.

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