You fight a war with bullets and bombs You may put me in graves and tombs But you fail to see reality The war is my state of mind – can’t you see?
I look up to you and you look down on me… And therein lies our dilemna – can’t you see? You may win the current campaign But as long as you perceive me as from a lesser domain
How can you ever hope to win the war? The battle lines you have chosen to draw Is where you make your fatal mistake Until you see me as equal – wonder how many lives I will take…
My land, with tank and mortar you have desecrated All I ask though is to be validated Yes, that what it takes to stop this boundless war Otherwise it will escalate, more and more
So please I beseech you I am doing my best to reach you But I fear it’s just all for nought As long as spilling my blood is broadcast just like sport
Now my time has come I can no longer bare what you have done I have nothing left for which to live As the ultimate sacrifice, I give
I lose myself, but you lose too I feel it’s all I have left to do Please Stop and reflect – I tell you today There is no other choice at the end of the day