Suicide Bombers Plea

by donkey 14 Replies latest social current

  • donkey

    You fight a war with bullets and bombs You may put me in graves and tombs But you fail to see reality The war is my state of mind – can’t you see?

    I look up to you and you look down on me… And therein lies our dilemna – can’t you see? You may win the current campaign But as long as you perceive me as from a lesser domain

    How can you ever hope to win the war? The battle lines you have chosen to draw Is where you make your fatal mistake Until you see me as equal – wonder how many lives I will take…

    My land, with tank and mortar you have desecrated All I ask though is to be validated Yes, that what it takes to stop this boundless war Otherwise it will escalate, more and more

    So please I beseech you I am doing my best to reach you But I fear it’s just all for nought As long as spilling my blood is broadcast just like sport

    Now my time has come I can no longer bare what you have done I have nothing left for which to live As the ultimate sacrifice, I give

    I lose myself, but you lose too I feel it’s all I have left to do Please Stop and reflect – I tell you today There is no other choice at the end of the day

  • mattnoel

    mmmm, makes you sad when you really look into it.

    Of concern now is what I saw in the paper today is that Sadam has threatened to hit the UK and USA with suicide bombers !

  • jelly

    Nothing smacks of nazism like a poem that glorifies people that intentionally target women and children as targets.


  • donkey
    Nothing smacks of nazism like a poem that glorifies people that intentionally target women and children as targets


    It is unfortunate that you did not understand what I was writing about and how tragic it is that people feel the way that they do - they have so little hope left that they feel they are serving a positive cause by being suicide bombers.

    I wrote a great deal this morning (it is not published anywhere) about how the real war is not being fought on the battlefields in Iraq, but it will be fought in the minds of Arabs vs perceived hatred by Westerners.

    I have not partaken in any war threads - pro or anti and have no intention of doing so. My thoughts on that remain my own. To label my writing as nazism - shows complete lack of understanding and comprehension of what I really wrote. I apologize for my poor communication skills if I truly came across as supporting the killing of women and children.


  • Satanus

    Some people kill by blowing themselves up. So do it w high tech equipment. Some do it at close range, for reasons that are obvious. Others do it from far away for reasons which a bit less clear. To me, the given reasons haven't cohered. But i see on one side fundamentalist judaism, and it's little brother fundamentalist christianity, and on the other side fundamentalist islamist practice.

    Let's say that the war is a grande success, that democratic (american style)christian capitalist ideology w it's fundamental christianity is taken up by the populus, is this not just replacing one ism w another one or maybe two?


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    they have so little hope left that they feel they are serving a positive cause by being suicide bombers.

    and perhaps $34,000 that Saddam gave his family... a virtual fortune in today's Iraq.

  • donkey


    Since this thread is being completely misunderstood could you please delete it. The west is in more trouble than I thought if people cannot comprehend what I wrote.


  • joannadandy

    Donkey I for one loved your poem...the risk you take in writing and publishing (even on an internet forum) is that people will mis-read and misappropriate what you say....however the risk can be worth it when you touch someone who totally "gets" what it is your saying.

    I for one found it beautiful, honest, and brutally truthful.

    It is sad that a few people missed your point, but if Simon deletes it more people, like myself, will miss out on a touching truth that needs to be addressed. Namely that desperation in people causes them to do desperate and hurtful things as a last resort.

    Thanks for posting it--

  • jwsons

    I think it's a nice poem. Some of workmates blamed a "terrorist" exploded a taxi and killed 4 allied soldiers. For me, this so-called terrorist is really a patriot. Imagine if another country invade your country (eg. Cubano invade Florida, German invade your London, Japanese invade your Sydney) and treat your friends in cruel ways. One man set an example by throw a grenade into their check point and killed some invaders. What do you call him ? He fight for his homeland. I remember one young Iraquis (maybe 15 or 16) answered on BBC recently:"We may have problem with our regime, let us solve our own problems. We didn't invite American or British to help us." Let take another example: If you have a bad time with your wife (or your husband) and a neighbour takes a chance to intervene, he invade your house and try to solve your marriage without permission from your husband or yourself !!! Is this neighbour crazy ? You will say it's none of your business, my dear busy-neigbor. Please get out of here.


  • teejay

    The west is in more trouble than I thought if people cannot comprehend what I wrote.

    That says it all, Donkey. Many in the west, starting with Bush and going on down, do not understand half of the simple truth you wrote about.

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