Why do you still believe?

by flower 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flower

    Someone posted on another thread a comment that I found interesting. Something like once you find out the truth about the 'truth' its impossible to stop there and not question everything as far as religion and the existance of god. I'm sure most of us that were raised in the Watchterror Org and have found out that we were decieved our whole lives have examined this subject at some point. Many still believe in the accuracy of the bible and the existance of a biblical god and now consider themselves 'real' Christians free to have a relationship with the real god without the Org and its lies in the way.

    For those who do I'm just curious as to what you found in your research that gives you such confidence that there is a God and that the bible is his words to live by.

    In other words, why do you believe in God/Jesus/Bible?


  • free will
    free will

    i was raised as a jw. however, i'm inclined to believe that it is not the truth. i agree with your comment about the zeal to know everything. where to start? so many different ideas and i don't want to blindly believe in just anything. at any rate,i'm not sure i'm ready to give up the idea of god and his word the bible. i've attempted to find a bible that i feel is closely translated from the original. but, i haven't found one yet. i plan on finding it, reading it, and making my decisions then. until then, though, i'm happy to have come to a new understanding about religion. i'm hoping to serve the god i know with my heart. but, i can't shake the feeling that i've turned my back on jehovah. until, at least, i start listing all the hypocrises (?). even then i know i could be wrong, man is you know. well that's my two cents....

  • berylblue
    In other words, why do you believe in God/Jesus/Bible?

    I guess it's just a matter of faith. I've tried not to believe, but I just can't. Also, I feel I have felt Jehovah's hand in my life, at least before I became a smoking fornicator. LOL


  • Maverick

    I am still sorting it all out. I know in my heart the True God is a loving, artistic, grand being. For years I had trouble with the petty, shallow, spiteful, legalistic god the WatchTower hides behind. I am so turned off by their BS that when I find I do agree with the J-duds on any point, that whole subject feels tainted. They do a great job of 'poisoning the well'. I can see why many turn away from anything religious. Maverick

  • Mulan
    Someone posted on another thread a comment that I found interesting. Something like once you find out the truth about the 'truth' its impossible to stop there and not question everything as far as religion and the existance of god.

    That is me exactly. Can't answer your question because I am still questioning everything. I just don't know the answers...............and I don't think we can know for sure.

    As someone said earlier, it is a matter of faith, and I will add this: a willingness to believe.

  • amen

    When i look at the sky at night, i see a creator behind all these. I am overwhelmed by the beauty and the science behind this creation. We don't know everything about this universe and we don't know everything about the mind of God. But one thing i do feel is the creator wants us to believe in him eventhough we have very little direct information from him. we know in the past when Jesus walked this earth people at the time had some tangible to believe in God. Today it is not easy, the last man was Jesus and it was 2000 years ago and that's a long time.

    I believe that we can not trust men in general for an explanation for God existence it is beyond their comprehensions. Therefore believe in God is an personal experience and also feel how God manifests in my life give me proof that he does exist and my faith builds up upon that as well.

    I don't see any other explanation for it.


  • Francois

    I believe in God, just not the God of the Watchtower. That guy is obviously no God.

    And I don't put much stock in the bible either. First of all, the OT is nothing more than the secular history of the Jews all tarted up to play "Divine Writ" which it doesn't do very well. It's just not worth the time or trouble to wade through all that nonsense looking for a few gems. Pitch the whole thing I say.

    The Gospels. Written by old men who knew Jesus when they were young men. And they didn't understand Jesus when He was standing right before them. Memories faded with age. And colored by their fond desires for him to be the fulfillment of all prophecy, and for him to bring the "Kingdom" to earth any day now. And if they quote Jesus, be very careful what you accept of it. If Jesus wanted to be quoted, he would have left us a book. Why do you think he only wrote in sand? We were to learn from HOW he lived his life. He didn't come here to leave us a written road map. How spontaneous is that? About as spontaneous as the JWs - not at all.

    And all the letters? Paul's especially. Rife with opinion; Paul even admits this. There's some good stuff here, but still one must sift through the chaff to find the occasional grain of wheat.

    Why not do as Jesus suggested? He said that the kingdom of heaven was "within us." Why not look for it there? Search for it. Struggle for it there. And, after groping to find it there, follow its lead?

    That's what I've been doing since I left the JWs and I feel more spiritual, more motivated, more sure than I ever have. Try it; you'll like it.


  • rebel


    I am inclined to agree with much of what you say.

    But what would you say to those who say that the Bible has come through so much destruction, hatred, opposition etc etc. They say that it is a miracle that we still have it as we do. How could a book come through so much opposition? Why is it still here? Why do we have the Bible if it is false? Why is it the most widely translated book? What makes it so special? Why did people die for it?

    I am very open-minded, despite the above, and would love to hear everyone's comments


  • Loris

    I believe because the alternative is unthinkable for me. It boils down to faith. I still hold to several core beliefs that I had before my WTS days. God and Jesus are separate entities, no Hell, earthly resurrection. They could not taint those things for me, they were still mine. I realise that I am unique in that regard. Most people who dump the WTS do not know how much to dump. How far to sever the gangeneous infection. The horror of the disgusting filth would cause one to want to get as far as possible from it.

    Good question


  • NeonMadman

    Even though I was raised largely without religious training, I was taught that the Bible was "God's Book," and it was because of that belief that I wound up being a JW - after all, they seemed to know more about the Bible than anybody else, at least to my teen-age mind.

    After being a JW for some years, I learned that they had made a lot of false prophecies, and had a lot of dirt in their history. Also, I could see that they didn't have the "love among themselves" that they bragged about. As I started to investigate further, I read quite a bit of "apostate" literature, and was even more astonished to find that the Witnesses not only had problems with their history, but with their theology. Any honest reading of the Bible would not support their teachings. Also, I saw a lot of evidence of dishonest scholarship on the Society's part. Still, it took years for all of this to crystallize in my mind, and even more years to get out of the org.

    Why do I believe in God now? Well, I still believe in the Bible; the respect I've had for it all my life has never gone away. But I also think that there had to be some intelligence involved in the design of the universe. Oh, I know the arguments - if God always existed, why couldn't matter and energy always have existed? It just makes more sense to me that the order and functionality we see in creation results from intelligence than from random chance. Also, I have the (admittedly subjective) experience of seeing God at work in my life in a variety of ways.

    Can I prove that God exists? Of course not. Ultimately, whatever we believe about issues like the origin of the universe, life after death, and the existence of God come down to matters of faith that can't be proven. I just find it makes more sense to me to include God in my understanding of such things, because without God, none of it makes any sense.

    Sounds like you're searching, flower. You still know how to reach me privately if you want to, right?


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